Finished goal of running the distance of 2,080 miles from Lafayette, LA to Washington D.C and back!!! 339.1 miles

0.0 miles run this week.
Daily running average for the week is 0.00 miles per day.
Total amount run in the past 800 days is 2,419.1 miles.
Daily running average overall is 3.02 miles per day.

Day63 Sunday 10/31/10

ran 0.8 miles
Today ends nine weeks of running against Barack Obama. I have run 164.8 miles, averaging 2.62 miles per day. I ran a 5k yesterday, Maddie’s Footprints Forever, and scored a good time. “Maddie’s Footprints” is a great cause worth checking out.

Jumping right ahead to the larger picture, if this election on Tuesday grants opposition the chance to halt Barack Obama’s agenda, what will be interesting is what these new senators and representatives are going to do. Don’t be fooled by spin that the current uprising of American citizens protesting their government is entirely attributed to liberal ideas. Right now, any candidate who claims to defy liberal ideas is the right candidate.

So what now? These people have a huge expectation to fulfill. And if they don’t do it, despite media bias and the articles they will print, Barack Obama will only gain strength scrutinizing conservative legislation regardless of whether they are good or bad.

This upheaval of the people is not a product of Barack Obama. I would never give his thirsty ego that satisfaction and it’s just not the case. I would say that he just happens to be president right now and he attempted to call America’s bluff. He is the proverbial straw that is breaking our American backs. And now that we are calling him out, his only excuse is to blame.

“The Democrats are about to feel the full force of a tidal wave, tsunami, or a 7.0 earthquake.”

Democratic pollster Peter Hart

Historically, this kind of thing happens all the time. Whichever party has their president in office trends toward voting out members of that party during the mid-term elections of any given president’s first two years. Frustration among American voters has been boiling for decades and Barack Obama is just radical enough to turn the heat up even more while our country already boils over with steam and frustration.

American politics desperately need some good, fresh minds. Things are corrupt and shady on both sides of the aisle. Right now, I believe it would be a huge justice to this country to make Barack Obama a one-term president. With that being said, there are many more items to address in the future. But right now, our president has the power and ability to pivot this country in a direction that may take generations to reconcile.

1,915.2 miles to go.

Day62 Saturday 10/30/10

ran 2.6 miles
The final days of blitz-campaigning have come to an end for Obama in Cleveland, Ohio. As Tuesday approaches, Democrats stand to endure a volatile rejection of two more years on Capitol Hill.

“Obviously, the other side is enthusiastic,” Barack Obama said while in Ohio.

“We’ve got to make sure our side is, too,” Obama said to the enthusiastic crowd in Cleveland.

Republicans feel sure they will dominate the House with conservative votes. It would be a stretch for the GOP to overcome the Senate, but there is hope and it is possible. Depending on swing states, to contend all facets of government, which loudly defy Barack Obama and everything he has done over the past two years, nothing is impossible. It seems that American voters are electing a new enterprise of change and a different source of hope from what Obama has been peddling over the past two years. There is little left necessary to undo the path he has paved, except to understand that a path can be paved, repaved, and repaved again, regardless of how tumultuously wrong its stones are set.

Vote on Tuesday!

1,916.0 miles to go.