ran 3.3 miles
The state of Texas recently became the fourth state to make the Health Care Compact law. Texas joins Georgia, Oklahoma, and Missouri as the states that have made the Compact law so far.
"I think Texans can better decide how to prioritize our health care than Congressmen from California, New York or Wisconsin. States are in a better position to determine our own needs than a big, one-size-fits-all federal plan. Health care spending crowds out funding for our schools, highways and public safety. That's why we need the Health Care Compact. Texans need a bigger say in how our health dollars are spent, a government closest to the people governs best."
The Health Care Compact has been introduced in fifteen states. It has passed the State House of Representatives in Montana, Missouri, Oklahoma, Colorado, Arizona, Georgia, and Texas. The Compact has passed the State Senate in Oklahoma, Arizona, Missouri, Tennessee, and Georgia. Thirty-six states are actively considering the Health Care Compact.
This is how the Compact works. After passing through the state legislature and then being signed by a state’s governor, the Compact must be approved through the United States Congress. A Compact does not require the signature of the president. Methods of defining health care in each state are not laid out in the Compact. Ultimately, each state designs its own health care program but they are all equally exempt to the federal health care program Barack Obama signed into law.
Interstate Compacts have been used throughout American history to allow states to make their own, more realistic decisions regarding certain areas of policy in which they can be far more efficient without the federal government. Authority for Compacts is established in the Constitution (Article 1, Section 10), and more than 200 Compacts are currently in effect. Compacts are essentially voluntary agreements between states that, if granted consent by Congress, hold the force of federal law.
Health Care Compact website. Check the Compact out on facebook, too.
1,116.5 miles to go.
The state of Texas recently became the fourth state to make the Health Care Compact law. Texas joins Georgia, Oklahoma, and Missouri as the states that have made the Compact law so far.
"I think Texans can better decide how to prioritize our health care than Congressmen from California, New York or Wisconsin. States are in a better position to determine our own needs than a big, one-size-fits-all federal plan. Health care spending crowds out funding for our schools, highways and public safety. That's why we need the Health Care Compact. Texans need a bigger say in how our health dollars are spent, a government closest to the people governs best."
Texas State Representative Lois Kolkhorst
The Health Care Compact has been introduced in fifteen states. It has passed the State House of Representatives in Montana, Missouri, Oklahoma, Colorado, Arizona, Georgia, and Texas. The Compact has passed the State Senate in Oklahoma, Arizona, Missouri, Tennessee, and Georgia. Thirty-six states are actively considering the Health Care Compact.
This is how the Compact works. After passing through the state legislature and then being signed by a state’s governor, the Compact must be approved through the United States Congress. A Compact does not require the signature of the president. Methods of defining health care in each state are not laid out in the Compact. Ultimately, each state designs its own health care program but they are all equally exempt to the federal health care program Barack Obama signed into law.
Interstate Compacts have been used throughout American history to allow states to make their own, more realistic decisions regarding certain areas of policy in which they can be far more efficient without the federal government. Authority for Compacts is established in the Constitution (Article 1, Section 10), and more than 200 Compacts are currently in effect. Compacts are essentially voluntary agreements between states that, if granted consent by Congress, hold the force of federal law.
Health Care Compact website. Check the Compact out on facebook, too.
1,116.5 miles to go.