Finished goal of running the distance of 2,080 miles from Lafayette, LA to Washington D.C and back!!! 339.1 miles

0.0 miles run this week.
Daily running average for the week is 0.00 miles per day.
Total amount run in the past 800 days is 2,419.1 miles.
Daily running average overall is 3.02 miles per day.

Day183 Monday 02/28/11

ran 3.3 miles
If you have the ability to read between the lines of the media and the words of Barack Obama, it is clear that today he was pressured into taking an action he had no desire to perform. Leading up to the midterm election, Barack Obama had this to say about the GOP joining Democratic goals for reform: “They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in the back.” Following his schoolboy, pep rally tone and attitude he had his rear-end handed to him on November 2, 2010. Mere months later and now he is offering concessions on his health reform legislation. He is not doing this because he wants to but because if he doesn’t it will only hurt him for reelection. Simple textbook political posturing. Barack Obama has finally accepted the fact that judges are overturning his health care law because it is deemed unconstitutional and that the majority of our states are burning midnight oil to pass the Health Care Compact, which would give individual states sovereignty to design their own unique statewide health care laws.

Predictably, Barack Obama is now announcing that states will have the right to their own state health care as long as it reaches the federal government’s standards. Originally, states were going to be granted this option in 2017. Obama decided to bump down the privilege of avoiding the federal government’s overbearing power on states to 2014. This is a moot gesture and it is not even a speed bump worth braking for on the road to the Health Care Compact or the possible overturning of the law in the Supreme Court. But it is Barack Obama publicly displaying the acknowledgment that he has to face a country who does not want his legacy legislation, health care reform.

Another topic of interest is the recent news with workers’ unions in Wisconsin, which is trickling to other states, as well. AFL-CIO’s Richard Trumka is a bottomless well of controversy regarding Barack Obama’s relationship with the unions. Trumka has a handful of videos floating around, in which he has no shame in revealing how instrumental he is in the White House. As a consequence to the Democratic party, any power the unions lose in Wisconsin or other states will directly weaken the liberals in terms of campaign financing and voter demographics. Trumka toots his horn about how often he is contacted by the White House in contrast to the fact that many Cabinet members Obama had appointed were never even contacted by the president in the first two years of his term. Literally, not one single time. These Cabinet appointees are placed in particular offices for the sole purpose of advising the president on his decisions. Richard Trumka is called upon to offer his input to the White House two or three times a week.

1,568.7 miles to go.

Day182 Sunday 02/27/11

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ran 1.1 miles
Today ends week twenty-six and the end of the first six months of running against Obama. We are that much closer to November 6, 2012, the day we elect Someone Else. It may seem shallow and presumptuous to suggest that anyone, almost regardless of who it is, would be better for this country than Barack Obama, but I genuinely believe that is the case. For Someone Else to defeat Barack Obama, they will have to campaign on a platform that completely contradicts everything our current president has done from Day 1 (his first order as president was to seal his private records), therefore pointing this country 180 degrees from the direction it is heading now. It is a win-win situation for the short-term period of reversing as much of the damage that has been done, and will be done, as possible.

There are many more things to consider before that day arrives, so, one day at a time. For now, I ran 29.3 miles this week, averaging 4.19 miles per day, and here is some current news about the CEO of 3M blasting Obama for being anti-business in America.

Add diversified manufacturing to the list of economically productive enterprises Barack Obama has little interest in to bolster our economy. File it under drilling for oil. George Buckley, CEO of 3M, was quoted in an interview with the Financial Times saying, “We know what his instincts are (Obama)---they are Robin Hood-esque. He is anti-business.”

"Politicians forget that business has choice. We're not indentured servants and we will do business where it's good and friendly. If it's hostile, incrementally, things will slip away. We've got a real choice between manufacturing in Canada and Mexico -- which tend to be pro-business -- or America."

1,572.0 miles to go.

Day181 Saturday 02/26/11

image from
ran 2.7 miles
Friday, March 4, threatens to be the first government shutdown since 1996. The current budget will expire if Democrats and Republicans fail to agree on spending cuts in the next few days.

Barack Obama says, “For the sake of our people and our economy, we cannot allow gridlock to prevail.” Yet, the spending cuts he wants have no momentum in working to slash our debt and they suggest no sense of urgency toward the weakened state of our economy. Obama threatens to veto any rational proposal Republicans submit.

House Republicans proposed $4 billion in cuts as part of legislation to keep the government running through March 18. Democrats want a short-term extension at current spending levels to allow more time to negotiate the best and most effective ways to attack our trillions of dollars in debt. Basically, Republicans want to extend the deadline for more debate while also effectively tightening the budget for the duration of the extension and Democrats want more time to debate with absolutely no tangible effort to tighten the budget until an agreement is made.

House Speaker John Boehner insists that a short-term bill without spending cuts is unacceptable.

The liberal interpretation of the fact that America’s economy is suffering and needs to be repaired seems to be delusional and misinformed based on their actions, or inactions. The conservative perception of our economy seems to be fully aware of the crisis America’s future faces and they seem to be the only side willing to make the hard decisions the majority of Americans want.

"Our goal as Republicans is to make sensible reductions in this spending and create a better environment for job growth, not to shut down the government. Getting our debt and deficits under control is the first step we can take, and the single most important step Washington can take, to get our economy moving and create the jobs we so badly need."

Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio)

1,573.1 miles to go.

Day180 Friday 02/25/11

ran 3.3 miles
  • Michigan was the twenty-sixth state to join the union on January 26, 1837, eight years before Florida and one year after Arkansas.
  • Population, as of 2009, is 9,969,727.
  • Senators are Carl Levin (D) and Debbie Stabenow (D).
  • Representatives are Dan Benishek (R), Bill Huizenga (R), Justin Amash (R), David Camp (R), Dale Kildee (D), Frederick Upton (R), Timothy Walberg (R), Michael Rogers (R), Gary Peters (D), Candice Miller (R), Thaddeus McCotter (R), Sander Levin (D), Hansen Clarke (D), John Conyers (D), and John Dingell (D).
  • Michigan has sixteen electoral votes. It was the only state to lose population in the 2010 Census, forfeiting one electoral vote. Historically, the state voted primarily red until the Great Depression. From the 1930s to the 1960s Michigan alternated between the two parties and from 1972 through 1988 the state voted exclusively Republican before becoming the Democratic state it is today. Barack Obama beat John McCain 57% to 41% in 2008.
In current news, during an exclusive interview with Newsmax, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, in an effort to point out the hypocrisy that exists among the left and the mainstream media, claimed Barack Obama’s decision to not fully enforce the Defense of Marriage law could lead to a constitutional crisis. “Obama has directly violated his constitutional duties by arbitrarily suspending a law.” This is technically grounds for impeachment, not that it will be pursued, but it is what it is.

Gingrich speculated that if a potential “President Sarah Palin” had committed this action, there would have been immediate demands for her impeachment. When asked whether President Obama was subject to articles of impeachment, Gingrich replied, “Clearly, it is a dereliction of duty and a violation of his constitutional oath and is something that cannot be allowed to stand.”

This double standard was no different after Sarah Palin received so much heat for crosshairs she superimposed on certain voting districts on a United States map shortly before the Arizona shootings. Everything the media had to report dealt with Sarah Palin and the Tea parties she supports encouraging violent behavior. A little over a month later and crosshairs are on posters all over Wisconsin encircling their governor’s face as Barack Obama encourages protestors to refuse to relent. This is typical leftist double standardization, in which they feel no shame in doing exactly what they deplore whenever they deem it is necessary for their own interests. And they receive little ridicule or criticism for their blatant hypocrisy from the larger part of national media.

1,575.8 miles to go.

Day179 Thursday 02/24/11

500 miles!!!

ran 4.2 miles

Some polls from Rasmussen Reports:Link
  • Barack Obama’s presidential index rating shows that 26% of American voters strongly approve of his performance while 40% strongly disapprove, giving Obama a regressing presidential approval index rating of –14.
  • Overall, 47% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of Obama’s performance and 53% disapprove.
  • Falling to the lowest levels since Obama took office in January of 2009, only 37% of likely U.S. voters say Barack Obama is doing a good or excellent job as a leader.
  • Among likely U.S. voters, 48% back GOP Governor in Wisconsin and 38% support the Unions.
  • A large majority of Americans, 67%, say the United States should leave the turmoil in the Arab countries alone.
  • Only 26% of Americans believe our nation is heading in the right direction.
  • Among likely U.S. voters, 56% favor repeal of the health care law, including 43% who strongly favor repeal.
I ran my five hundredth mile today! I’ve been running against Obama for nearly six months and in that time I have gotten involved with some local political organizations and met some inspiring people. Following current events closely and discussing them with others at local, state and federal levels has been extremely eye opening. I found it nearly effortless to passionately disagree with Barack Obama’s agenda when I began running against him. Having a virtually nonexistent interest in politics until recent years, getting involved and listening to others who have so much more experience and knowledge to offer has been the greatest opportunity of this small campaign to contribute whatever I can to restore America, which starts with making Barack Obama a one-term president.Link
Looking toward my seventh month of running against Obama and seeking more traffic from like-minded others who agree with the message of this blog, if you follow these posts regularly or just happened to have stumbled upon the blog and like the content and agree with the campaign to make Obama a one-term president, check out runningagainstobama on Facebook and give it a “Like”. Or you can become a “Follower” on the top of this page.

Thanks for following the first five hundred miles!

1,579.1 miles to go.

Day178 Wednesday 02/23/11

ran 4.9 miles
On this day in history, Marine photographer Louis Lowery captured the Pulitzer Prize winning photo of five Marines and one Navy Corpsman lifting the American flag atop Iwo Jima at the crest of Mount Suribachi. This image lives on as the most reproduced photograph in history.

When I look at that photograph it stirs an immense sense of pride in America and immeasurable gratitude for the sacrifices our military men and women have made and continue to make. It reminds me of how petty my own grievances are and how often I neglect to appreciate every freedom I have as an American.

When I look at that picture I do not think of Senators fleeing from their states to hide from the law making process that defines America, which so many countless numbers of men and women have fought and died for. I don’t think of a president who condemns the Arizona tragedy one month and then the very next month encourages union protestors to “Get in the face of" anyone who opposes them. When I look at that picture I don’t think of ungracious, selfish politicians who make their own rules when the fabric of democracy goes against their grain.

If the brave men in that epic photograph had fought cowardly as the Democrats from Wisconsin are now America would have ceased to be what our forefather’s intended long ago.

1,583.3 miles to go.

Day177 Tuesday 02/22/11

image from
ran 5.9 miles
Following the tragic Arizona shootings Barack Obama spoke to the nation about carrying on out of necessity and working to create jobs, improving the economy, shoring up the budget and bringing down the deficit.

“These are challenges I believe we can meet. And I believe we can do it a way worthy of those who sent us here to serve. So as business resumes, I look forward to working together in that same spirit of common cause with members of Congress from both parties---because before we are Democrats or Republicans, we are Americans.”

Barack Obama spoke of unity and working to move this country forward. He painted an ideal picture filled with a lot of realistic thoughts and goals that sounded momentous for our nation. However, after the past week of protests in Wisconsin his actions speak for themselves, making his words disingenuous and purely intended to appease a vulnerable nation mourning.

Taking into consideration the message he conveyed in Arizona, he is now actively encouraging the protestors in Wisconsin to “Get in the face” of those who oppose them. Wisconsin's governor has been compared to Hitler and posters hover above the heads of protestors with crosshairs on the governor's face. The DNC is instrumental in organizing the protests and the democratic senators of Wisconsin have fled the state indefinitely. Is this sort of behavior that Barack Obama was talking about when he said we have a common cause and that before any political labels we are Americans?

If Tea party members were trying to pull this shallow, unconstitutional and illegal charade, and George Bush was encouraging it, this volatile scenario that is playing out would have been lambasted with every negative and hateful adjective in the dictionary.

The senators who have fled the state (forgot to mention, Indiana’s democratic senators have also fled their state) took an oath to support and defend the Constitution and they have fled. Who does that? Do they not have any dignity? The law is what it is. Without respect for our laws we bare no resemblance to what America is intended to be. Who do they think they are to bend the laws and our Constitution to suit their needs?

I have been immensely discontent with Barack Obama being the president of this great nation for the past two years, but I accept him as my president because he won the election. It was an outcome I nor anyone else had any right or power to disrupt, which is exactly what these fleeing senators are doing. They are blatantly disrupting the legal process of law as conducted in the United States of America according to our Constitution.

1,588.2 miles to go.

Day176 Monday 02/21/11

image from
ran 7.2 miles
You may not know this, but seventy-four House Democrats have signed a letter to Clarence Thomas requesting him to recuse himself from any deliberations on the constitutionality of Barack Obama’s health care law. The Democrats’ argument is that his wife’s work as a lobbyist implies “The appearance of a conflict of interest”.

The health care law’s constitutionality will more than likely be decided by the Supreme Court and this is the latest tactic by liberals to detour the natural path of justice to their own ends. This is an excerpt from the letter:

“The appearance of a conflict of interest merits recusal under federal law. From what we have already seen, the line between your impartiality and you and your wife’s financial stake in the overturn of health-care reform is blurred. Your spouse is advertising herself as a lobbyist who has ‘experience and connections’ and appeals to clients who want a particular decision — they want to overturn health-care reform. Moreover, your failure to disclose Ginny Thomas’s receipt of $686,589 from the Heritage Foundation, a prominent opponent of health-care reform, between 2003 and 2007 has raised great concern.”

In an article from, by Doug Mataconis, he outlines the specific law House Democrats are referring to in the Code of Conduct for United States Judges:

A judge shall disqualify himself or herself in a proceeding in which the judge’s impartiality might reasonably be questioned, including but not limited to instances in which:

(d) the judge or the judge’s spouse, or a person related to either within the third degree of relationship, or the spouse of such a person is:

(i) a party to the proceeding, or an officer, director, or trustee of a party;

(ii) acting as a lawyer in the proceeding;

(iii) known by the judge to have an interest that could be substantially affected by the outcome of the proceeding; or

(iv) to the judge’s knowledge likely to be a material witness in the proceeding.

There is little legal validity in the request for Justice Thomas to recuse himself. His wife is affiliated with a Tea Party group that has taken a particular position on the Affordable Care Act, but her involvement is hardly sufficient to result in a biased approach on the part of Justice Thomas regarding the requirements from the code of conduct.

This letter from the liberals arrived on the heels of a letter from Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) last week, which suggested that Justice Elena Kagan should recuse herself from consideration of the health care law’s constitutionality because of her previous position as U.S. Solicitor General.

“I think that Kagan, who was the solicitor general at the time this was all done, probably should recuse herself, which means it might not be resolved by the Supreme Court,” Hatch told Fox News last week. “That means the lower court decision will be the acting law.”

Kagan’s circumstance differs from Thomas’ and holds much more validity:

A judge shall disqualify himself or herself in a proceeding in which the judge’s impartiality might reasonably be questioned, including but not limited to instances in which:

...the judge served as a lawyer in the matter in controversy, or a lawyer with whom the judge previously practiced law served during such association as a lawyer concerning the matter, or the judge or lawyer has been a material witness;

Justice Kagan served as Solicitor General for the duration that PPACA was being discussed by Congress. If at any time her office gave legal advice to the White House pertaining to the constitutionality of the law being considered, then a firm argument stands for her to recuse herself.

Both sides seem to be preparing for the worst and are resorting to any measure possible to ensure the outcome of their interests. I'm obviously quite partial to the shredding of all but maybe fifteen pages of ObamaCare's five inch thick text of socialized health care.

1,594.1 miles to go.

Day175 Sunday 02/20/11

ran 3.3 miles
Today ends week twenty-five of running against Obama. I ran 27.6 miles this week, averaging 3.94 miles per day.

Representative Jim Jordan’s amendment to the Continuing Resolution will be debated and voted on today. In an article by Netright Daily, without treading through too much waist-deep political jargon that few can understand, this resolution deals with the battle between liberals (who refuse to make significant spending cuts) and conservatives (who refuse to continue spending). If an agreement is not reached by March 4, our government shuts down indefinitely.

Obama’s idea of slashing spending is to not slash at all. Our current national debt is $14.2 trillion and according to Obama’s plan by 2021 it would be projected at $26.4 trillion---an increase of $12.2 billion or 86%. This is not saving. It is not even shaving the tip of the iceberg. The amount of debt proposed by Obama’s budget is larger than the total amount of debt accumulated by the federal government from 1789 to January 20, 2009. Furthermore, if the deficit figures proposed by the budget are realized, all fourteen of the highest deficits in U.S. history will have occurred between fiscal year 2008 to 2021. What is there to argue about the fact that we need to stop spending?

However, amidst all of this irrational debate, Representative Dan Lundgren (R-CA) is opposing Jordan’s spending cuts and sent a letter to his colleagues urging them to vote “No”.

February 17, 2011

Vote NO on Amendment 104

Security & Oversight: Cuts We Can’t Afford!

Dear Republican Colleague:

I urge you to vote no on Amendment 104 to H.R. 1 that would dramatically impact the House’s ability to maintain adequate security and conduct effective oversight. The Amendment’s proposed cuts would also impede on each Member’s ability to communicate and serve his or her constituents.

This amendment would severely restrict the U.S. Capitol Police’s ability to secure the Capitol complex by slashing its budget 11%. A cut of this magnitude would force Capitol Police to face today’s ever-growing security threats with significantly fewer resources and officers.

The Amendment would also hamper the House’s ability to conduct effective oversight and impede on Members’ ability to serve their constituents by cutting committee and Member budgets an additional 11% on top of the 5% cut adopted last month.

In November, we promised a government that would be more efficient, more accountable and more transparent. However, keeping that promise means we need vigilant oversight.

While I support this effort to reduce federal spending, I fear the wholesale approach proposed in this amendment will render the House and its members incapable of upholding our promise to the American people. For these important reasons, I strongly urge you to vote no on Amendment 104.


Daniel E. Lungren
Committee on House Administration

Interpret that for yourself, but all I see between those lines is a representative who wants to sit idly by and kick his feet up in his congressional office while this nation slips further from the loose grip it has on an economic cliff's edge..

1,601.3 miles to go.

Day174 Saturday 02/19/11

ran 3.8 miles
Barack Hussein Obama is an open book of shameless disregard for everything American. This man goes out of his way to show and tell all of America exactly what his ill intentions are for this country. At first, I had within me a fiber of patience to give him a chance. Two years later and all patience has been not only lost but it is critical to get this man out of the White House.

Regarding the current Wisconsin issue with the unions, Barack Obama is attempting to buck Democracy as we know it and to change the rules of engagement in American lawmaking. The protesting in Wisconsin is being organized and directed by Barack Obama’s Organizing for America and the Democratic National Committee. Obama instructed supporters to “Get in the face” of those who oppose them. The only thing he is achieving is to possibly derail the lawful legislative process we as a nation have been using for over two hundred years.

If you didn’t read yesterday’s post, the liberal Senators of Wisconsin fled across the state border to avoid state law enforcement from forcing them to attend the vote for the legislative session concerning the unions. The liberals have a minority in the State Senate and are powerless to stop the legislation from passing in the event it ever gets voted on. So they ran away from the Democratic process they swore to defend and abide by. Now Obama is riling up all the protestors and encouraging them to get in the faces of those who oppose them. Our president’s actions are defying the lawful legislative process, which is the spine of our nation. His actions speak for himself and it will not stop here.

Plain and simple, the majority of states in this nation are fighting as hard as they can to defund and separate themselves from Obamacare. That is only one issue, but it is a big one that trickles down into every nook and cranny of America’s immediate economic future. Obamacare, like so many other defunct endeavors our president has, consists of spending, spending, spending. When you run out of money, spend some more. Create new agencies. Push some more paper around. Talk about twenty years from now with blatant disregard for the present or the more immediate future. Green, green, green. Certainly don’t drill for oil in the Gulf. That would create thousands and thousands of jobs and bolster our economy far too much. Keep paying foreign nations, many of whom despise America, for the majority of our oil when we have enough here to fit our needs. Give other countries billions of dollars in aid while our own economy crumbles. And, all of this on the backs of the taxpayers with no hope or change in sight until he is out.

Barack Obama’s actions and words have a numbing effect because there is so much of it to go around every single day. Some of the things he says and does no longer draw reactions out of people because we have grown complacent in his abundant trait to disappoint. So, rather than say “Obama did this” or “Obama did that”, let’s simply acknowledge the fact that this man evoked the massive and widely successful uprise of the Tea party, he currently has an overwhelming majority of states doing everything they can to avoid his health care law, and today he encouraged Wisconsin protesters to get in the face of the lawful legislative process. What other president can you name that has angered and disappointed so many Americans and entire states to this rare extent in such a short period of time? Who? Do you want four more years of this?

1,604.6 miles to go.

Day173 Friday 02/18/11

image from
ran 2.9 miles
  • Massachusetts was the sixth state to join the union on February 6, 1788, two months before Maryland and one month after Connecticut.
  • Population, as of 2009, is 6,593,587.
  • Senators are Scott Brown (R) and John Kerry (D).
  • Representatives are John Olver (D), Richard Neal (D), James McGovern (D), Barney Frank (D), Niki Tsongas (D), John Tierney (D), Edward Markey (D), Michael Capuano (D), Stephen Lynch (D) and William Keating (D).
  • Massachusetts, having lost one electoral vote as reapportioned by the 2010 Census, now has eleven electoral votes. The state has lost one-third of its electoral votes since the 1920s, falling from eighteen to eleven. Historically, the state has been reliably blue since 1928, only voting red four times since then (twice each for Eisenhower and Reagan). Obama beat McCain 62% to 36% in 2008.
In current news, the governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker, is being bullied by union protesters and democratic lawmakers. One of the most childish and ridiculous tactics I’ve been alive to witness was the fleeing of Democratic state senators in Wisconsin across the border to Illinois to hide and postpone the vote, which would force public-sector workers to pay into their own pensions (as most others do in 401k plans) and health benefits (as most others do) and the removal of collective bargaining rights for some. When you were in elementary or middle school, if you ran from a fight, or went to the extreme of not only running from a fight but crossing a state border to avoid it, even at that young age you were laughed at and your pubescent dignity was not spared. These are grown men and women, senators of a state in the United States of America, running for the hills. They fled to Illinois to avoid being brought back to Madison by Wisconsin state law enforcement.

Steps like these are what is necessary for America to rebound and more tough choices like this need to happen on local, state and federal levels. Governor Walker fired back at Barack Obama’s criticism of his actions by saying, “We are focused on balancing our budget. It would be wise for the government and others in Washington to focus on balancing their budgets, which they are a long way off from doing.”

Looking at the larger American picture, Wisconsin is taking a preemptive measure by attempting to correct their budget now before it becomes too volatile and dangerous shortly down the road, Arizona is fighting the federal government on immigration issues that are getting worse and worse as the federal government does as little as possible to correct the problem, and a large majority of the states in our union are taking all the steps they legally can to defund Obamacare so it never becomes a reality. What is the common denominator here? Obama claims Governor Walker’s actions are an “Assault” on the middle class, the federal government Obama is the leader of is in the courts with Arizona over actions the state has taken to quell their illegal alien issues, and a substantial majority of people and states are doing everything in their power to stop what Barack Obama would define as his legacy legislation, health care reform. The common denominator, which becomes more and more clear, week after week, is Barack Obama and his inability to do anything that more than half the people or states in this union don't vehemently want to overturn or pursue with an opposite approach.

Barack Obama is achieving something America has not seen in decades. He is uniting men and women from state to state to state to such a degree that “The people” or actually putting the federal government back in the place it belongs, inspired merely by passion for this great nation that Obama is trying to turn into an unrecognizable and unremarkable state of socialistic equality. Dare I say it, that states are once again wanting to distance themselves from the American government, the way it was intended to be. During the Civil War, numerous states actually seceded from the United States union, rejoining later. I am not alluding to state secession as a possibility in the near future, but what is happening is that many states are sending a universal message to the federal government and that message is “Leave us alone. If you would just leave us alone and allow each state to handle its own affairs depending on that state's own circumstances, this country would be a much better place. Leave us alone. You are only messing things up.”

For example, Arizona obviously has some serious border issues given their geographic location. In what world does it make sense for the federal government to legislate border control across the American landscape when certain states, like Arizona, are special cases that need special legislation. And in Wisconsin, Governor Walker was elected by the people of that state and he is doing the best and most effective thing he can for the long-term prosperity of his state. Barack Obama’s response, and liberal lawmakers’ reactions in general to what he is trying to do are absurd. Washington D.C. has no business interfering with American progress and that message is becoming louder and louder as each day passes.

Our federal government was never intended to have even half the power it now possesses and individual states are working to take their rightful power back. If nothing else, Barack Obama walked up to a sleeping giant, which is the American people, and he woke that giant up by slapping him in the face.

1,608.4 miles to go.

Day172 Thursday 02/17/11

ran 4.3 miles
Some polls from Rasmussen Reports:
  • Barack Obama’s presidential index rating shows that 28% of American voters strongly approve of his performance while 37% strongly disapprove, giving Obama a presidential approval index rating of –9.
  • Overall, 48% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of Barack Obama’s performance and 50% disapprove.
  • Among American voters, 55% of voters say that Obama’s proposed budget does not cut spending enough.
  • Only 31% of voters think America is generally heading in the right direction.
  • Just 28% of voters believe the government today has the consent of those it governs.
  • Among American voters, 57% at least somewhat favor repeal of the health care law while 38% are at least somewhat opposed. Those figures include 45% who strongly favor repeal and 31% who strongly oppose repeal.
On Day163, I posted about the “Health Care Compact”, a constitutional method for an unlimited number of states to band together and legally refuse to participate in the federal government’s mandated health care bill, which a significant majority of Americans want no part of. Check out Day163 for the details. The compact is a fairly simple and highly effective concept. The most exciting element of ratifying compacts is the fact that Barack Obama, or any elected president, does not have to sign it and he cannot veto it. It becomes law after the House and Senate. And once two states establish the compact, precedent is set and other states can join, gaining momentum state after state. Currently, more than half the states in America are eagerly pursuing the Compact at the state level.

In fact, today Arizona took a huge step toward the Compact. This is an article from

Arizona Senate approves states’ rights measures

"Vowing to push back against Washington, the state Senate's majority Republicans want Arizona to join other states in a compact to challenge the federal health care overhaul and its mandates on individuals.

The Senate approved the health care compact bill Thursday as it also voted for a Republican bill to declare that federal government has no power to regulate commerce that doesn't cross state lines.

The intrastate bill would make it a low-grade felony for a federal official or a misdemeanor for an Arizona public employee to attempt to enforce federal regulations that violate the proposed state law.

Democrats voted against both bills, which now go to the Arizona House."

Check out for more details.

1,611.3 miles to go.

Day171 Wednesday 02/16/11

image from Ex-Genius
ran 3.9 miles
Someone Else. We are hanging on to what this country was intended to be with one hand clinging to the edge of common sense and the other urgently grasping for something that simply isn’t there. On the precipice of damaging America for generations to come, an America bearing little resemblance to the nation we have known for so long, Barack Obama seems more determined to deconstruct the America we have had for so long and to turn it into some kind of unrealistic utopia, which by definition is “An ideal and perfect place or state, where everyone lives in harmony and everything is for the best”. That is something you tell your six-year-old if he or she happen to ask you why we all exist or who God is and why did he put us here.

Someone Else. Who are you? Where are you? The utopian state is a state of communism. It has failed in so many other places for so long and now our president wants to implement it here. Socialized health care, which more than half of the states in our country are vigorously trying to fight, is the first big step towards taking money from the large majority of people who work hard in this country and giving it to the much smaller number who do not, regardless of whether they are highly unmotivated or here illegally. Our government’s solution is to continue robbing so many people of their own goals and contributions to society by sending them a check each month and, regarding the millions of illegal aliens in America, our government seeks to grant them amnesty, as though we were not already paying for their medical needs and giving them tax returns that surpass my own when they don’t even pay into the system. Ultimately, Barack Obama’s agenda points to a leveling of opportunity for all. It sounds nice and fair, but it is not the American way. If our country continues to regress into what we fought so hard to separate ourselves from over two centuries ago, then what was it all for? In America, your rewards are designed to be proportional to the hard work you invest in your goals. If you invest a lot of time and work then you reap many rewards. If you put forth little or no effort then you receive little or no reward. It has been this way for a very long time and it is not that complicated of a template to follow. These principles are being compromised, though, and even apologized for as though they were shameful or wrong.

Someone Else. Will you put America first? Will you embrace the elitism we once possessed and wield it within our own borders? Will you not tolerate other countries that laugh at and mock America? Will you continue to give them so much of our taxpayers’ money when they despise our nation? Who is Someone Else in 2012? Who will save the middle class, which is so instrumental in continuing the nation America was intended to be? In 2012, Someone Else needs to reignite the American flame that made this nation so strong and resist the convenient excuses we’ve become so used to. There are no excuses. Barack Obama would have you believe that blaming others and making excuses are a vital part of being the president of the United States of America and that our nation’s success is contingent on tenets of communism, but it is poisonous Kool-Aid. Don’t drink it.

Someone Else.

1,615.6 miles to go.

Day170 Tuesday 02/15/11

ran 5.2 miles
On Day156, I had made my first post honoring Black History Month. The man I had spotlighted was Alan Keyes. Tonight I am going to post about Allen West. He is a freshman Representative out of Florida and he has been speaking loud volumes for Conservative values. He delivered an impressive keynote speech at CPAC recently. These are a few of his quotes.

“Political correctness has no place in our national security strategy.”

“Liberal progressivism evolved after our Constitution. It has repeatedly failed all over the world so why do we think it could be successful here in the United States of America?”

“I say this to the President: The good things in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: closing the doughnut hole, making sure that we take care of people with the preexisting conditions, keeping our young kids on our insurance, I can probably fit that in five to ten pages. It’s the other two thousand four hundred ninety pages with eleven new taxes, a hundred fifty- nine new government agencies and beauracracies, and sixteen thousand new IRS agents, that the United States of America does not want!”

“We welcome the beliefs of others in America, but our coexistence must be based on a simple premise: when tolerance becomes a one-way street, it leads to cultural suicide. And American cultural values shall never be subjugated to any other as long as I have air in my lungs.”

After citing “Hostile attacks from the liberal left”, which characterize conservatives as racist, West commented, “Perhaps they should see who is standing up here as your keynote speaker.”

Allen West was born and raised in Atlanta, GA, in the same neighborhood Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr once preached. He retired highly decorated from the military as a Lieutenant Colonel after serving in Operation Desert Storm, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and in Afghanistan. After retiring from the military he moved his family to South Florida and taught at a High school. And in November of 2010 he was elected to be a Representative in the United States Congress.

1,619.5 miles to go.

Day169 Monday 02/14/11

ran 4.2 miles
Happy Valentines Day. In case you didn’t know, on this day in history, approximately 278 A.D., Valentine, a priest in Rome during the rule of Claudius II, was executed. In an effort to maintain a strong army “Claudius the Cruel” observed that men were unwilling to join his military because of their strong ties to their wives and children. To reverse this problem, Claudius banned all engagements and marriages in Rome. Valentine deemed this decree to be unjust and defied Claudius by continuing to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. Upon discovering Valentine’s actions Claudius ordered his arrest and sentenced him to death. He was beheaded and eventually declared a saint for his great passion and service to holy matrimony. Over time, February 14 became a date for exchanging love messages and poems or simple gifts such as flowers. So that’s where Valentines Day came from.

Back to the present, Representative Steve King of Iowa is working toward an effective halt to Obamacare. Through a tactic used by democrats to put a halt to the Vietnam War decades ago, he plans to add an amendment to the continuing resolution, which will prohibit all federal funds from being spent to enforce the provisions of Obamacare.

In an article from The Washington Times, King explains that when Obamacare was drafted Democrats “Quietly included provisions that trigger automatic and mandatory funding in the law. An additional $105.5 billion is about to be spent to implement and enforce Obamacare unless action is taken in the continuing resolution to stop it.”

This continuing resolution, the same tactic that ended the Vietnam War and can end Obamacare now, would completely defund Obama’s unconstitutional health care law. The unfortunate alternative is that the first $105.5 billion gets pumped into Obamacare, like lighting a highly explosive ignition source that can’t be put out, and any measures taken after that to repeal Obamacare is weighed against the fact that so much money has already been invested in it. And with every argument made against it and every proof of its unconstitutionality revealed, money will still be pumping into it, lighting the fire more and more, until right and wrong no longer matter. The only argument that’s left is, “Well, we just invested hundreds of billions of dollars in this thing. Are you going to tell America that all of that money is lost?”…or something of that conniving and deceitful politic-speak nature.

This story should be in the news tomorrow and the House of Representatives has a useful majority of conservatives who are primed to fight for their constituents, so hopefully it works. The first step was taken today in a committee meeting and passed eight to four. But, like everything else in Washington this will likely drag on for a while. Something has got to give soon or the Obamacare train is going to roar out of control.

1,624.7 miles to go.

Day168 Sunday 02/13/11

ran 2.8 miles
Today ends week twenty-four of running against Obama. I ran 24.0 miles this week, averaging 3.43 miles per day.

Late last night I stumbled across some exciting news worth sharing. Ayn Rand’s classic 1957 novel “Atlas Shrugged” has been made into a movie and it will be in theaters on April 15, 2011. What was exciting to find last night was that the trailer had been released for viewing. It’s worth checking out at

If you look back to Day18 of this blog, I focused on “Atlas Shrugged” and gave some comparisons of how parallel the novel is to what is going on in America today. One fact I listed that ought to intrigue anyone who does not know a lot about Ayn Rand is that the Library of Congress conducted a survey and concluded that “Atlas Shrugged” was number two next to the bible as the most influential book read in America. If you haven’t read the book then this movie will definitely open your eyes up to the direction America is heading under Barack Obama's leadership.

1,628.9 miles to go.

Day167 Saturday 02/12/11

ran 3.0 miles
The ongoing skepticism surrounding Barack Obama’s inability to prove his place of birth and the shadiness he cloaks his religious faith in have recently reached new levels. The last time Obama and his family visited Hawaii, the birth place in question, Hawaii’s governor, Neil Abercrombie, swore adamantly that he was going to end all doubt, with the proper documentation, that our president may not have been born in America. A couple weeks later Abercrombie had confessed that he could not find the proof he promised, effectively making things even worse for Barack Obama’s case. His friend did him no favors in rehashing the burden of proof Obama is responsible for and refuses to present as evidence for the millions upon millions of Americans who want to see it, and have every right to see it.

Today in The Washington Times, Brett M. Decker wrote an article “Obama’s fake Christianity?” in which he documented criticism of Obama’s faith even coming from liberals. The article went so far as to suggest that the president’s behavior is possibly comparable to that of an atheist.

Concerning Egypt, “One clear message came from all the president’s men: A new government in Cairo ‘has to include a whole host of important nonsecular actors,’ as stated by White House spokesman Robert Gibbs. The hitch is that in the Middle East, nonsecular means radical Islamist, like the Muslim Brotherhood.” Due to statements like this, Obama’s own religious foundations are being questioned from even the left.

Bill Maher, of all leftist critics of everything conservative, was quoted on his HBO show “Real Time” saying of Obama, “I think he’s a centrist the way he’s a Christian---not really…His mother was a secular humanist and I think he is.”

A guest on the show pointed out that Obama did indeed attend church preceding his candidacy for president. But that church belonged to the “Racist, anti-American, hate-spewing Reverend Jeremiah Wright.

It is stuff like this that fuels me to run everyday and to do whatever I can to help get Barack Obama out of office in November of 2012. Since the Midterm elections, Obama has done nothing but attempt to put himself closer to the aisle to appease just enough voters to allow him to get reelected. He would not have made many of the decisions he did were it not for his agenda getting so many of his democratic senators and representatives fired back in November of 2010. What is important to remember as vividly as possible is the first two years, especially the health care law. Surpassing every decision Obama has made, what is most important and disturbing is his bad-faith withholding of proving he was born in Hawaii, his devoted attendance to Jeremiah Wright’s church, and the constant contradictions of his faith.

From one human being to another, I could care less where another man was born, what church he chooses to attend or not to attend, or whether he is a Christian, a Muslim, a Jew or an atheist, but when a man cannot look you in the eye and answer simple questions like these with honesty or his actions, he does not deserve to be president of the greatest nation on Earth, and he certainly has no right to deconstruct it over the course of eight years.

1,631.7 miles to go.

Day166 Friday 02/11/11

ran 4.9 miles
  • Maryland was the seventh state to join the union on April 28, 1788, one month before South Carolina and two months after Massachusetts.
  • Population, as of 2010, is 5,773,552.
  • Senators are Benjamin Cardin (D) and Barbara Mikulski (D).
  • Representatives are Andy Harris (R), Dutch Ruppersberger (D), John Sarbanes (D), Donna Edwards (D), Steny Hoyer (D), Roscoe Bartlett (R), Elijah Cummings (D) and Christopher Hollen (D).
  • Maryland has ten electoral votes. Historically, the state has voted primarily blue, having participated in all fifty-six elections. Maryland voted Republican only three times (Richard Nixon in 1972, Ronald Reagan in 1984, and George Bush in 1988). Barack Obama defeated John McCain 62% to 38% in 2008.
On a completely separate note, Donald Trump was quoted at CPAC saying that if he were president he would take in “Hundreds of billions from countries that are screwing us”. He also said the United States has become a “Laughing stock” and “Whipping post” for the rest of the world. Trump announced he was considering a run at the presidency in 2012 and that he would officially make his decision In June, when the latest season of “Apprentice” will come to an end.

There will likely be a handful of unexpected presidential candidates throwing their names into the race as the election gets closer. George Clooney’s name keeps surfacing in the news, too. It seems odd, pompous and nearly impossible to consider, but Ronald Reagan was a well-known Hollywood celebrity before he entered the political arena so anything is possible. Donald Trump would be loud and obnoxious, but his blunt ability to say what he thinks with no qualms about softening hard truths is a quality our next president definitely needs. And, if any one man were to make America, once again, the unchallenged world leader in economics and superiority, and not be ashamed of elitism, it would be Donald Trump.

1,634.7 miles to go.

Day165 Thursday 02/10/11

ran 4.0 miles
  • Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Index rating shows that 27% of American voters strongly approve of Obama’s performance as president while 36% strongly disapprove, giving Barack Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -9.
  • Overall, 50% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of Obama’s performance and 50% disapprove.
  • According to Rasmussen Reports, only 51% of homeowners believe their home is worth more than their mortgage. This is the lowest since May of 2009.
  • Just 45% of voters recognize that America has the world’s biggest economy.
  • Only 30% of Americans believe our country is generally heading in the right direction.
  • Rasmussen Reports polls 58% of Americans favor the repeal of the health care law.
If you missed yesterday’s post it is worth a glance. Obama plans on making a three-book graphic novel, or comic book, to explain to Americans what is in his health care law, implying that we are all idiots with the intellectual prowess of sixth graders.

Along the same lines of senselessness, all day today chief members of Obama’s staff claimed that the protests in Egypt had been quelled and that Hosni Mubarak would be relinquishing his power today. Contradicting our national media outlets, Mubarak actually got in front of a camera and informed his protesting people that he would not step down, but he would delegate some of his power to his newly sworn in vice president. He expressed that he would not be pushed around by other nations.

Based on the polls and stats listed above, it is fascinating to me how divided this nation is. I don’t claim my political beliefs to be entirely right and I certainly consider the fact that I may be wrong, but when Barack Obama’s approval numbers stay around 50% as they often do, it is troubling to look into the future of America. I am committed to what I believe when it comes to how this nation’s government should be run, but it is so strange to acknowledge that 50% of the people in this country completely disagree with my and so many others’ views. And they think I am just as crazy as I think they are. What is the disconnection? How is it that so many people can be so equally divided? When November 6, 2012 arrives and we elect someone else or reelect Barack Obama for a second term, 50% of Americans are going to be unhappy. With a ratio like that we ought to save the millions of dollars that would be spent on campaigning and just flip a coin. I am being facetious, of course, and would never flip a coin over such an epic matter, but the truth is 1 out of every 2 people in America, statistically, are quite possibly going to be extremely disappointed after the next presidential election. The fact that America is equally divided and has arrived at such a seemingly unbridgeable gap is the greatest setback in this nation since the Civil War.

1,639.6 miles to go.

Day164 Wednesday 02/09/11

Top image: Slublog (via Ace of Spades), featured on Michelle Malkin blog
Bottom image: Boston Herald

ran 3.1 miles

If there is perchance any residue of hope left in you concerning Barack Obama and what he has done over the last two years, that dingy and stubborn particle of resolve is about to be scrubbed away with a highly abrasive pad of reality.

Barack Obama and the health economist behind ObamaCare, Jonathan Gruber, have chosen to write and illustrate a comic book, which will be published in three parts, to help Americans better understand what is contained in the bill. This is real, and this is how stupid Barack Obama and Washington think we are. I cannot possibly think of a worse, more condescending, more insulting executive decision the leader of our nation could make than this.

The comic book is actually a “Graphic novel”, if that helps any. I could rant about how absurd and ridiculous the decision to do this was and how overwhelmingly counterproductive the direction Barack Obama is sending America is, but that would be redundant.

Why now? Nancy Pelosi had the audacity to tell America, “Let’s just pass the bill and then we’ll see what’s in it.” This bill was in the neighborhood of 2,800 pages long and the people we call leaders of our nation did not even read it. Here we are a year later, and Barack Obama wants to explain the bill in a comic book format?

Why now? It would have been equally preposterous, but why not do this before the bill was passed so it could have been passed on its merits? It is because it has no merit or common sense.

Why now? Why would Barack Obama wager such a risky and idiotic campaign now, after the fact that the bill has been passed for such a long time? It is because his health care bill stands a serious threat to be repealed by the American people.

This is an exciting time and Americans have not been this active or united to put the federal government in its rightful place in a very long time.

Alongside the news of Barack Obama’s upcoming comic book release, yesterday’s post thoroughly covers the solution that is at work right now to stop ObamaCare, the Interstate Health Care Compact. The state of Virginia is on the verge of beginning the compact and only one more state is all it will take to allow any other state that does not want socialized health care to design their own unique health care systems.

1,643.6 miles to go.

Day163 Tuesday 02/08/11

ran 2.6 miles

Tonight was the second Acadiana Patriots meeting of the year. I cannot overstate how informative these meetings are and how organized the Lafayette, Louisiana branch of the Tea Party Patriots is. Louisiana state senator Elbert Guillory (District 24) attended and spoke about a project called “The Health Care Compact”. It is a tangible solution to avoiding the destructive health care reform act Barack Obama passed through Congress and then signed into law. “Compacts” have been around for a long time, even longer than our United States Constitution. The Mayflower Compact, for example, obviously distantly preceded any talk of a nation like the United States of America ever even existing. As America had successfully fought and defeated the tyranny of Britain and earned their independence as a nation, free to lead itself, compacts were included in the U.S. Constitution (Article 1, Section 10), as yet another safeguard our forefathers had the foresight to protect citizens with from future forms of tyranny.

A compact is simply a contract between two or more states. The Health Care Compact, as it stands presently, is a potential agreement of more than twenty states, already, which do not believe in Obama’s or Congress’ approach, implementation, or vision of health care for our future. As I type these words, the state of Virginia is already on the verge of being the first state to begin the compact with states like Louisiana, Texas, and others not far behind.

The way this works is, on the state level, if state representatives and senators want to be reelected than they need to see with their own eyes, through letters, emails and phone calls from their constituents exactly how undesirable ObamaCare is to the districts they represent. Through the power of the people, this compact, in each state, makes its way to Congress, and it gets voted on. The best detail of this process, under the United States Constitution, is that it does not have to be signed or approved by Barack Obama. If you ever wanted a realistic chance to put Barack Obama in his place and to show him just how much you disapprove of his legislation, this is the best opportunity you have ever had.

If this compact legally binds it creates a precedent, which will allow any other state to easily become a part of it. There is a lot of momentum nationally and Louisiana wants to be the next state after Virginia to make this compact happen.

The compact is very simple. It allows each participating state to uniquely handle health care the way they want to, under no orders from the federal government. The money spent by the federal government in each state is still given to each individual state but it is spent under the authority of Virginia, or Louisiana, or Texas, or whichever state is a member of the compact.

This is the way America is supposed to be. The federal government was designed with the sole purpose of aiding individual states only when they required need. In what rational mind does it make sense to put a blanket policy of socialized health care, which the government mandates against monetary penalty, over an entire nation the size of America with fifty diverse states? If California, Hawaii, or New York want ObamaCare then they should be able to have it, but not on my Louisiana dime. And if Louisiana has a better solution to its unique position on health care that costs taxpayers across the nation less, then we should be able to do it.

This compact will open a door of precedent into many other issues, too. Imagine something like this applied to immigration, where states can have their own unique laws for their own unique circumstances, such as Arizona currently desires. This compact represents the first time since 1776 that the people could claim their independence and put the federal government back where it belongs. It is nothing less than a revolution and I encourage you to be a part of it.

Acadiana Patriots has useful and concise information and details about all of this on their website.

1,646.7 miles to go.

Day162 Monday 02/07/11

ran 3.6 miles
O’Reilly’s interview with Obama

One of the things that stood out the most to me during last night’s interview, which preceded the Super Bowl, was when O’Reilly asked Obama, “OK. Worst part of this job? What’s the worst, absolute worst part of being president of the United States?”

Obama’s response was, “Worst part of the job is, first of all, I’ve got a jacket on on Super Bowl Sunday…If I wasn’t president, that would not be happening. The biggest problem for me is being in the bubble. It’s very hard to escape. You know, you can’t go to the corner…”

I think his response reflected a selfish weakness and frustration with his tendency to only see short-term goals, which only seem to set America even further back in the long run. And, short-term goals that wreak havoc in the long-term are parallel with every idea set forth by Communism. A “Too good to be true” utopian idea is always followed by a worse circumstance than that which brought it on to begin with. This is not ideology; it is proven history. And in a case, such as health care reform, it looks radiant on the surface, but there is so much more to it that is not being acknowledged.

Here are a few things Barack Obama could have said as the leader of our nation that would have been a little less insensitive than his pouting about having to wear a suit jacket on Sundays:

The worst thing about this job is the responsibility of writing letters of condolence to the parents, brothers, and sisters of fallen men and women who fought so bravely for our country.

The worst thing about this job is enduring that fifty percent of America disapproves of me and that if I had not been so radical and one-sided that perhaps I could have easily won a second term in 2012, by appeasing at least just another ten percent of the public.

The worst thing about this job is having to spend so much taxpayer money, which does not yet even exist, to come through with my farfetched promises I had campaigned on---and to see those dollars go nowhere in proportion to the exuberant amounts that were spent…that is the hardest thing about being president of the United States of America.

How about saying that our unwavering unemployment rate, which he has fought with money from our pockets, and our children’s pockets, to no avail, sets his heart beside itself with the reality that maybe there are some better answers and approaches?

Instead, Barack Obama’s response began with, “I’ve got a jacket on on Super Bowl Sunday,” and it ended with, “It’s very hard to escape.”

1,649.3 miles to go.

Day161 Sunday 02/06/11

ran 2.6 miles
I went from a 10k in Baton Rouge, the Amedisys Mardi Gras Mambo, yesterday, straight to New Orleans. I was able to run this morning in a beautiful neighborhood surrounded by houses with unique architecture you can only find so concentrated in New Orleans, Louisiana. It’s a perfect day to be in New Orleans and to watch a Super Bowl.

Today ends week twenty-three of running against Obama. I ran 22.0 miles this week, averaging 3.14 miles per day.

Don’t forget that preceding the Super Bowl tonight, Bill O’Reilly will be interviewing Barack Obama. That ought to be interesting and worth viewing, however, I have a feeling that the only circumstances Obama would agree to such an interview would be under the guise of prewritten and easy questions.

Speaking of Obama, Sarah Palin has submitted her first comments on Barack Obama’s handling of Egypt. Referring to the crisis as Obama’s “3 a.m. phone call”, she said, “It seems the call went right to the answering machine.”

“We need to know what it is America stands for so we know who it is that America will stand with. And we do not have all that information (from the administration) yet.”

Whoever takes over leadership of Egypt will be pivotal in the fate of Israel. Egypt and Israel are our two greatest allies in the Middle East and if the new Egyptian leader is backed by a group such as the Muslim Brotherhood, there is a good chance that America’s relationship with Egypt will be forfeited and Israel will be geographically surrounded by nations who have little interest in their future. In the event that Israel were attacked by one or more of its bordering Muslim nations, America would be obligated to get involved with little chance of successfully intervening. And, any attempt made by America to get involved would effectively make us even more of an enemy to Israel’s surrounding Muslim nation, if that is even possible.

Barack Obama has the option to support a peaceful democracy following Mubarak’s exit, but that democracy does not mean it will represent anything like what we have in America. As I said, if a member of the Muslim Brotherhood were elected president, it could potentially change the world and our relationship to the Middle East for a very long time.

1,652.9 miles to go.

Day160 Saturday 02/05/11

ran 6.2 miles
I ran a 10k today in Baton Rouge and put up a good time. The weather was bitter and cold but it was an awesome run. I ran with some friends and we all beat the times of our last runs. I can’t speak for my friends but I can certainly attribute my own drive and passion for running purely to the pursuit of making Barack Obama a one-term president.

I am absolutely exhausted and it has been a long day. As a final note, I received a lot of comments on my “Running Against Obama” t-shirt and found some new people who are interested in this blog and the future of their nation.

Sorry for the lull, I’ll be back to informing soon. Go Steelers!

1,655.5 miles to go.

Day159 Friday 02/04/11

ran 0.1 miles
I have a good reason for only running 0.1 miles today, which was the act of running a few houses down from mine as I let my dog out after work, and that reason is I am running a 10k tomorrow in Baton Rouge. I’m pretty excited. Although I have run that distance before on my own, I have never run an organized 10k.

I have to go to bed early and wake up early so tonight’s post is short and to the point. Tomorrow morning I am going to run as hard as I can with one single inspiration: the hope of getting America back in November of 2012.

1,661.7 miles to go.

Day158 Thursday 02/03/11

ran 1.0 miles
  • Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Index rating shows that 26% of American voters strongly approve of Obama’s performance as president while 41% strongly disapprove, giving Barack Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of –15. Barack Obama’s Presidential Index rating is dipping back down to the consistency it had held up until a month ago.
  • Overall, 47% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of Obama’s performance and 53% disapprove. These numbers also reflect a dip in his popularity, which had risen a month ago and seem to be lowering back down to the past year’s levels, week by week.
  • Rasmussen Reports finds that 58% of likely voters at least somewhat favor repeal of the health care law, including 47% who strongly favor repeal. Just 38% oppose repeal and only 29% strongly oppose it.
  • Rasmussen Reports shows that only 32% of likely U.S. voters say the country is heading in the right direction.
In an article by Dick Morris, “Obamacare: D.O.A.”, Obama’s presidential shortcomings are poignantly listed and put into context of what they mean for 2012. Considering a health care bill that is continuously sloping into landslide disapproval, stimulus packages that have achieved little for the price they had cost, and a general inability to point out anything positive done for this country for any significant majority of people in America, the next presidential election appears to be more and more of a challenge as each day passes for Barack Obama to become a two-term president.

1,661.8 miles to go.

Day157 Wednesday 02/02/11

ran 1.9 miles

From an article by John Fund from the Wall Street Journal, “The decision by Democrats to hold their presidential nominating convention in Charlotte, N.C., is an indication that the party thinks it can’t afford to give up gains made in the South when Barack Obama was elected in 2008.”

The choice to set up camp in North Carolina is a strategic effort to concentrate as much campaigning and attention to surrounding states, which were so instrumental in electing Barack Obama two years ago. Working against Obama’s potential success in 2012, the 2010 Census has shifted several electoral votes from states previously won by Obama to those previously won by John McCain. Barack Obama is not hopeful to win any of the states carried by McCain in 2008. Based on the decision to not host the convention in Missouri, a state Obama lost by less than 4,000 votes in 2008, southern states are obviously more important in the Democratic approach to making Barack Obama a two-term president.

“Should a Republican presidential nominee hold every McCain state and add Indiana, North Carolina and Virginia—all states that voted Republican in every year between 1976 and 2008—that candidate would command 218 electoral votes. If he were able to win Florida and Ohio, which routinely voted Republican during that same period, he would have 265 electoral votes—just five short of an Electoral College majority. Any of several states—Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico—could then make Mr. Obama a one-term president.”

1,662.8 miles to go.

Day156 Tuesday 02/01/11

ran 4.0 miles
In the spirit of Black History Month, also referred to as African-American History Month, celebrated since 1976 in America, Canada and the United Kingdom, I would like to spotlight some contemporary Americans who have contributed everything they could and continue to put forth everything they can to keep America the free, principled nation under God that it was intended to be. Tonight, Alan Keyes, a Republican presidential candidate in 2000, and the man who accepted an invitation from the Illinois Republican Party to run against Barack Obama in 2004 for the U.S. Senate, is the man I would like to spotlight and quote.

“Our first responsibility is not to ourselves. Our first responsibility is to our country and to our God.”

“The income tax is a twentieth-century socialist experiment that has failed. Before the income tax was imposed on us just 80 years ago, government had no claim to our income. Only sales, excise, and tariff taxes were allowed.”

“We must take away the government's credit card. With limits on both tax revenue and borrowing, the Federal government would finally be forced to get serious about spending cuts.”

1,664.7 miles to go.