Finished goal of running the distance of 2,080 miles from Lafayette, LA to Washington D.C and back!!! 339.1 miles

0.0 miles run this week.
Daily running average for the week is 0.00 miles per day.
Total amount run in the past 800 days is 2,419.1 miles.
Daily running average overall is 3.02 miles per day.

Day641 Thursday 05/31/12

ran 3.4 miles
Here is a rare story about a unique rock star we all know. In the world of celebrities it is not often that we hear a man or woman with this sort of elite notoriety, which they by all means have earned and have not had handed to them in any way, condemn the alternatives to something as natural and effective as simple free enterprise. So, thank you, Jack White, for simply acknowledging and praising the simple logic behind unrestrained capitalism, which happens to be counter-intuitive to so many ideas our own president and those who think like him hold as the bedrock of so many of their alternative economic beliefs.

It comes down to the argument of whether hard work and the revenue it generates should be rewarded to those who earned it are if it should be redistributed to those who did nothing to earn it. Jack White, of "White Stripes", owns a record label (Third Man Records), which specializes in "rare an interesting vinyl". In a market where individuals collect rare and interesting items, market prices are inevitably higher than one where individuals collect common and uninteresting items. What White discovered was that artificially pricing items of high worth at a low cost to make it available to all (leveling the playing field; giving everyone their fair shot---sound familiar?) only led to people buying his products in bulk and then reselling them at higher prices, at the cost it is actually worth in its appropriate market. Jack White found that he was working very hard to make a lot of money for record flippers who did nothing to earn what he had worked so hard for, other than to follow the simple tenets of cost and demand better than he had. White was attempting to be charitable and to allow anyone, regardless of circumstance, to enjoy and to be able to afford something rare and interesting that he was selling. The market simply would not allow it, though, and White was left in a position where his good intentions were being swooped up and resold by individuals who did understand the market and the unwavering concept of cost and demand.

White found that "if customers want rare and valuable albums they will be expensive, the market price will be reached no matter what they sell them for initially, and if someone is going to profit it might as well be the creators."

Now, White auctions his records and lets the market dictate their worth. Something he once sold for $20 he now can make $300 on. Previously, his product was bought up in bulk and resold at a much higher rate. He has cut out the middle men, who did nothing to earn what they were auctioning the records off for, and stayed true to the market earning exactly what he deserves.

Thought that was interesting and here is a completely unrelated video put out by FOX News looking back at 4 years of "Hope and Change":
  95.9 miles to go.

Here is what happened one year ago on Day276.

Day640 Wednesday 05/30/12

ran 0.1 miles 

21 months of Running Against Obama!!!

99.3 miles to go. 

Here is what happened one year ago on Day275.

Day639 Tuesday 05/29/12

ran 3.5 miles
I highly recommend clicking on the strip above to view it at the proper scale. Through charts and graphs it breaks down in simple terms some of the ways our president, and others I'm sure, can arrive at such astonishingly misrepresented sums regarding their spending histories from fiscal year to fiscal year. Here is the article with more information. Scroll down to view the graphs above.

99.4 miles to go.

Here is what happened one year ago on Day274.

Day638 Monday 05/28/12

ran 3.3 miles
This is a training exercise held by Occupy Wall Street enthusiast and experienced agitator, Lisa Fithian. Up until viewing this video I had never heard of Lisa Fithian and after viewing this video I have no desire to learn any more about her. The only thing she made me realize is that I just lost two minutes and two seconds of my life that I will never get back, so proceed with caution.
I just couldn't say no to a second video. If you want more here is another six minutes and thirty-one seconds you will never get back.

102.9 miles to go.

Here is what happened one year ago on Day273.

Day637 Sunday 05/27/12

ran 2.5 miles
Today ends week ninety-one of running against Obama. I ran 24.8 miles this week, averaging 3.54 miles per day.

This is a screenshot of me "reporting an attack" on myself to Barack Hussein Obama's "Truth Team". Just wanted him and his people to know I'm running against him. These sites are...eerie. That is the best term I can think of to describe the "Truth Team". "Attack Watch" is particularly odd and worth checking out. These sites exist for one ultimate purpose. For you to turn in your friends and neighbors if they say anything, regardless of how true or untrue it is, to Barack Obama and his campaign team. Then you get your name written down and who knows what else.

Here is what I had to say in the screenshot above to President Obama and his "Truth Team":

"I have been running against you, President Obama, for 637 days and I am not going to stop until Nov. 6, 2012. My "attack" is that you enable a sense  of self-entitlement that weakens this nation and that you appear to have absolutely no regard for our national debt. You and your senate have not even executed a budget since your inauguration, not even when you had the house, as well. Your first two years you signed controversial health care legislation into law that is currently pending a judgment by SCOTUS and you signed a stimulus package that has reached nowhere near the results that were forecasted. Your first two years have amounted to a health care law that more than half this country does not want, which the Supreme Court could quite possibly overturn, and you followed your Keynesian model, which is a proven failure, with your stimulus package that has done nothing more than skyrocket the debt unborn Americans will owe as soon as they are out the womb. All the while, your social issues like gay marriage and the contraception mandate, coincidentally distract millions of people from what is really important, our economy and our debt."

106.2 miles to go.

Here is what happened one year ago on Day272.

Day636 Saturday 05/26/12

ran 2.9 miles 
No politics today. I stumbled across this video and it reminded me, as life tends to do every once in a while, what is really important. This is the gluey resin that stars and earth and human beings are all put together with. It is the God-given itch, the compulsion, the instinct, the driven desire to simply make the one you love as happy as possible, to make family members and friends feel as special as they deserve to feel, and to just appreciate this gift of life. We are all nothing more than billions of scratches on a tiny blue marble floating in space, but we often forget how remarkable that is and we tend to lose sight of how special it is that we are right here, right now. 

I turned thirty-four yesterday, my first child will be born in the next few days, and I have no problem admitting the video above made me cry a little. Every once in a while, we get these moments of clarity. We see everything just as it is, and, being able to step back for a moment, to take inventory of existence and to process in a mere matter of moments, everything, for lack of a better term---it is humbling. 

But then the moment is over. We are sucked right back into the constant distractions that distort a reality we would all prefer but rarely ever find a way to grasp in any other form than few and far between moments. 

108.7 miles to go. 

Here is what happened one year ago on Day271.

Day635 Friday 05/25/12

ran 4.0 miles
Funny how news moves like tides. I remember early on, when I started this blog, often I would grasp for something really worth posting about. I remember struggling just to find a story with real substance. And, if I did, it would require research, paraphrasing, consolidating, concision, and an amount of effort that many times I simply did not have enough hours in the day to make it worthwhile to mention. Nearly two years ago when I started this blog, it was still necessary to convince people that Barack Obama just might be a bad idea. But, now that we're nearing the two-minute warning, the game has been played, the score is tied, and come November one of two candidates are going to have the ball within ten yards of the end zone and it is going to come down to whether one team scores or the other's defense prevails. As we move closer to this monumental election, which will blaze a path in one of two very distinct and opposite directions, the tide is flowing in higher and higher with no sign of an ebb anytime soon. Breaking news is more abundant than ever and the tide was high today.

This campaign video is being reported as the best, most effective ad...ever. I usually change the channel when political ads come on so I'm not qualified to judge, but this guy did come up with something catchy and clever. 

Twice in two days President Barack Obama has referred to his daughters during speeches as "his sons", even with a teleprompter. That's eerie. 

Obama hosting Bushes at White House?


How does this president even poll with 50% of Americans supporting him?! The weakest link in the chain of our electoral process is ignorance. It is uninformed Americans stepping through the curtain to vote when they don't even know who the Speaker of the House is, when they don't even know how to contrast communism to free enterprise, when they don't appreciate everything this country has done to preserve the intentions of its founding fathers and they would rather whimsically compromise those roots with uneducated, unexplainable, frequently occurring lapses in judgment. 

And here is a story worth checking out. There is a new book chronicling Barack Obama's high school days in Hawaii. The author, David Maraniss, claims that marijuana was a much larger picture of our president's teenage years than Obama suggests. I'm not passing judgment but it's just one more thing that this man, who we know so little about, had covered up by the media in 2008. Stories that should have been exposed but were irresponsibly not are abounding exponentially as the election grows closer. Being able to say "I told you so" is only a minor form of gratification compared to the disappointment that those individuals who back this guy simply don't care about his shady and flawed past even though it has more and more light cast upon it daily.

111.6 miles to go.

Here is what happened one year ago on Day270.

Day634 Thursday 05/24/12

ran 3.4 miles 

115.6 miles to go. 

Here is what happened one year ago on Day269.

Day633 Wednesday 05/23/12

ran 3.5 miles
This guy rarely ever fails to deliver ultimate befuddlement and incoherent mumblings to answer simple questions about Barack Obama's actions. I admire Jay Carney. His job description, compressed down to a fine diamond of expectation, is to move his lips and open his mouth up and down while forming his tongue into certain shapes at different times to form meaningless words to explain and defend why Barack Obama makes the decisions he makes. It is a tough job and one that very few people I know would want. And what makes it so amusing to watch is how often he grasps for any single thread of explanation, but instead finds himself mumbling and stumbling himself into a completely unrelated response of jibberish. 

On a completely unrelated note, here is a picture of our president dressed in American Revolutionary garb marching with what appears to be the Tea Party in 1997, who, through his actions since he was elected in 2008, empowered the Tea party with enough disgust and intolerability for the defiance of our Constitution to grab the Republican party by its tusks and claim the House of Representatives and nearly claim the Senate in 2010. Our president's agenda has not shifted since then and it is likely that another "shellacking", as Obama described the results of the 2010 midterm elections, will happen again. 
119.0 miles to go.

Here is what happened one year ago on Day268.

Day632 Tuesday 05/22/12

ran 4.3 miles
In case you didn't hear about it, today in Kentucky the Democratic primary was held and the box with "uncommitted" next to it, under Barack Obama's name as the lone option, won 40% of the vote. That's a handful of delegates for a nonexistent entity. "Uncommitted" could have been a plank of wood, a sandwich bag, a packing peanut, a piece of chalk, or any other inanimate object you can think of and 40% of Kentucky voted for it over Barack Obama. Obama was defeated by a nonexistent candidate in 60 Kentucky counties.

This followed the West Virginia primary, in which Barack Obama lost 41% of the primary vote to an incarcerated man in Texas named Keith Judd. Judd is a serial presidential primary runner who has never before seen such success as he has with this run against Barack Obama.

In Oklahoma, Barack Obama lost 18% of the vote to a man named Randall Terry and 14% to a man named Jim Rogers. Never heard of these guys? 32% of Oklahoma thought they were a better option than Barack Obama, even though they obviously don't stand a chance at the national scale.

Arkansas. Widely unknown candidate, John Wolfe,  has taken in 33% of the early returns in tonight's Democratic primary. 

122.5 miles to go.

Here is what happened one year ago on Day267.

Day631 Monday 05/21/12

ran 4.2 miles 
The desperate Obama campaign team is in "Plan B" mode after attacking Mitt Romney and his history with Bain Capital like a sledge hammer to a cotton ball over, and over, and over, and over again. The cotton ball just keeps fluffing back up. Significant members of Barack Obama's own party are even calling him out and demanding that he use his resources in a more effective way to benefit his campaign and not hurt it by attacking broadly accepted modes of free enterprise. However, if he had more effective resources to use, based on his record, I think he would be using them. Apparently he does not. 

126.8 miles to go. 

Here is what happened one year ago on Day266.

Day630 Sunday 05/20/12

ran 3.6 miles
Today ends week ninety of running against Obama. I ran 24.7 miles this week, averaging 3.53 miles per day.

I remember more than a year ago seeing images like this in Greece and wondering if the same thing could happen in America. Well, here we are. These pictures are from the Chicago NATO summit. It's nothing new and OWS has been on the streets for a long time wreaking similar havoc.  Their voice is as important as any others but it is unfortunate that it is so destructive and defeatist.

Who are these angry people in the streets going to vote for? They can't be happy with their options when you consider what they are asking for. They will probably not vote at all just to spite the system before them, which they abhor. No candidate is advocating a utopia or running on the pure chaos ticket, although Obama is close, which these individuals welcome, in the form of defeat, as opposed to every immense opportunity America has to offer.

131.0 miles to go.

Here is what happened one year ago on Day265.

Day629 Saturday 05/19/12

ran 3.2 miles 
It is still early, but these maps Karl Rove reports every couple weeks are as interesting as they are trivial to look at. I'm ready for the three debates we've been promised. They are still far out on the horizon of 2012, but they will be epic. There are so many unanswered questions that Barack Obama has never been asked, which can only be asked in the uninhibited, vulnerable arena of debate. These debates will hold a lot of weight and both of these guys will bring everything they have with them and leave it all on the field once its over. 

Watching Barack Obama defend his record, which he does not brag about, and listening to him discuss contraception issues, gay marriage, and all of the other tertiary social topics that hold no gravity next to what is really important like the price of gas, the rate of unemployment, and the ridiculous amount of debt that has been accumulated under his watch, just to name a few. 

In June we get the Supreme Court decision on ObamaCare. That is going to be a huge game-changer regardless of which way the vote goes. If the justices deem the whole law, or even just the mandate, unconstitutional then Conservatives will be castigated as cruel, insensitive brutes that took "your" health care away. If the law is judged to be constitutional then precedent will have been set for the federal government to interfere with and mandate anything in your life that you consider important to you and take pride in being able to make your own decisions about. Who is the winner here? Both sides of the aisle are anxiously preparing for either outcome and, regardless of which outcome it is, both sides have an equally strong approach to dealing with whatever fallout ensues. There is no right or wrong answer; only damage control and spin. 

134.6 miles to go. 

Here is what happened one year ago on Day264.

Day628 Friday 05/18/12

ran 3.3 miles 
The position of POTUS has become such a comical charade...maybe it's always been this way, and I am only now achieving full-blown, teeth-grinding, headache-inducing awareness in my mid-thirties, but, really? REALLY? As individual Americans we have enemies coming from the federal government ahead of us, in the rear, and from both sides. I've come to terms with the realization that this election is yet another case of weighing lesser evils on a fixed scale of good. It is only a matter of which side can fix the scale better. Barack Obama is the wrong man, and four years later all of his issues that should have been reported in 2008 are just now surfacing. The media gently brushes the back side of its hand along our cheeks comforting us with the argument that the dye is cast and he is president, so move on, let's stick to the issues, coaxing our doubts with a reality they want to create, which is false. 

I'm not ready to move "forward". If I am the butt of a joke, which is what the American people are to the federal government, and honoring our Constitution is the dispensable punch line, four years of Barack Obama as president is nowhere near enough time for me to forgive or forget. 

The latest CEO of Yahoo was recently fired for simply lying about one single credential on his resume. In the real world that is a big deal. What world does our president and our politicians live in where they can get away with so much more? 

I am going to vote for A.B.O, but only because it is a lesser evil. My real goal is to simply detach myself as much as possible from the federal government, thereby being a self-reliable, contributing citizen of the United States of America that weakens the power of government by acting upon and not relying upon. 

I posted a video of Romney being made a fool of so it is only fair that I post a video of Obama receiving the same treatment. Coincidentally, the guy that wrote this song was a twenty-six-year-old middle school football coach who got fired for posting it on YouTube. 137.8 miles to go. 

Here is what happened one year ago on Day263.

Day627 Thursday 05/17/12

ran 3.2 miles
The picture above is no evidence or victory for birthers, but it is a real piece of our president's history and definitely worth checking out here. Just one more layer to this president, Barack Obama, who very few Americans seem too know much about.

I was glad to see Breitbart News release this and as we move closer to the election hopefully the videos Andrew Breitbart was raving about before his untimely death will be released, as well. Nothing has been shown yet to fulfill the conviction in that man's eyes, passion, or words in the days leading up to his death. Perhaps this is a start.

And here is Rev. Jeremiah Wright, just released today, discussing many controversial sides to Barack Obama that our unreliable media sources completely failed to report in 2008. Now, the big question is whether Romney should use this information as ammunition in his campaign or if he should shrug the blatant evidence that Barack Obama might possibly be the shadiest president in American history and simply stick to the issues we face. I'm torn on the matter myself, but I'll tell you this. If the news sources we watch, hear, and read had any genuine interest in you or me, or at least did their jobs with integrity, keeping an informed public as their priority, and had not relied on ratings, controversy, and tragedy so much, the man in the picture above would never have been elected president of the Unites States of America.

I cannot recall who said it, but someone claimed "Journalism died in 2008". I believe it. We live in a time where your gut, your instincts, and a highly calibrated b.s. radar to read between the lines of what is reported and what is not are vital to survive. 

141.1 miles to go.

Here is what happened one year ago on Day262.

Day626 Wednesday 05/16/12

ran 3.9 miles
Here is Joe Biden once again doing no favors for the Democratic party or his boss.

One other quick note, back in March, President Barack Hussein Obama had served a budget to the House of Representatives and they had voted 414-0 against it. Today, the House served that same budget to the Senate and they rejected it by a margin of 99-0.

You construe for yourself what sort of statement that makes about a president of the United States of America. I say it's humiliating and quite possibly unprecedented. Not only in the world of budgets but in the full scope of a sitting president proposing something that not one single individual in Congress will support...that has to sting.

Senate Democrats argued the amendment they unanimously voted on did not actually match Obama's budget document, which was thousands of pages long. Republicans claimed they used all of Obama's numbers in the proposal and that there were no differing comparisons to dispute. Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama dared any one Democrat on the floor to note any errors. No Democratic Senators stepped forward to challenge the claim.

144.3 miles to go.

Here is what happened one year ago on Day261.

Day625 Tuesday 05/15/12

ran 3.7 miles
This is priceless on so many different levels. So Will Smith is doing a "Men In Black" promotion in France. The beginning of the video is France's newly elected socialist leader, Francois Hollande, expressing his intentions to tax all French who earn $1 million or more at a rate of 75%. When the video cuts to Will Smith being interviewed he expresses how humble he is and how enthusiastic he is to give back to others through taxation in America. He throws out a rate, something like 30% or 35%, and continues to discuss his modest beginning and where he is now and how much he owes to his country. Then, the interviewer throws out the fact that under Hollande's leadership the tax rate for $1 million-plus earners is 75%. Will Smith's reaction speaks for itself. Look for it around 1:20. Poor guy obviously had no idea something so insane could even exist. Apparently, Will Smith does not follow much news in America are see the path we are heading down under Barack Obama. 

148.2 miles to go. 

Here is what happened one year ago on Day260.

Day624 Monday 05/14/12

ran 3.8 miles
Europe is crumbling, the Middle East is rising, and America is $15,722,594,525,973 in debt.  Tick-tock, tick-tock, the time it took for me to type this sentence our debt has gone up to $15,722,595,847,965. And the best idea our president has to campaign with at a time of woe and deficit like this is to "evolve" into endorsing gay marriage.

Charles Darwin is turning in his grave right now because Barack Obama just took a term dear to the great evolutionist pioneer and turned it into meaningless mush.  "Evolve" is now going to become a political term and scapegoat for flip-flopping over a period of two or three years on certain issues as defined by a politician. What once took hundreds of millenniums to observe even slightly has taken Barack Obama a matter of a few years to speed up.

This man signed into legislation the most radical, expensive, and controversial health care bill in American history and he does not have one word to say about it. Usually, when a president achieves something he believes to be monumental he uses that piece of his record to campaign with. 

This man signed a stimulus package that has done very little to meet its ends, only putting us and our unborn children into further debt we, and certainly not our children, deserve to pay. He does not campaign on this. Instead, he holds fundraisers with wealthy individuals who represent everything Occupy Wall Street despises, he and his counterparts the whole time supporting the movement and the movement itself rarely ever expressing the obvious hypocrisy.

Then came the midterm elections. Democrats were booted out across the American landscape. Those who were elected campaigned on one single message. And that message was "We are going to stop all of this wasteful spending". To their credit much has been curbed. The 112th Congress will go down in history as one of the most unproductive Congresses of all time, but I think that was the job they were elected to do under the leadership of a president like Barack Obama. I congratulate them.

After 2010, Obama slowed his golf game and increased his executive orders. He lost the power, through the actions of his first two years, to further set this nation back and since then he has done very little worth campaigning on. This is why, only six months before the 2012 presidential election, the best idea he and his minions have is for Barack Obama to be the first president in the history of the United States of America to fully endorse gay marriage.

I don't mean to downplay this epic moment in homosexual history, my only point is that Rome is burning right now and our leader is making a distraction out of the gay community. No offense, guys and gals, but there are some much more important matters to deal with in our immediate future.

151.9 miles to go.

Here is what happened one year ago on Day259    

Day623 Sunday 05/13/12

ran 1.4 miles 
Today ends week eighty-nine of running against Obama. I ran 23.5 miles this week, averaging 3.36 miles per day. 

155.7 miles to go. 

Here is what happened one year ago on Day258.

Day622 Saturday 05/12/12

ran 3.2 miles
How many people are in that picture? How many more people surround that small rectangular fragment of people? And who is that man in the suit standing above the masses?

That is a snapshot of more than 200,000 people thronged in Berlin to hear Barack Obama speak in 2008. 

Our president has become tarnished over the last few years and it is obvious that he now lacks the luster to draw such crowds now that his campaign message has translated into a presidential reality and disappointment.

At this point, I no longer even gain much satisfaction from criticizing Barack Hussein Obama are poignantly detailing how little he deserves to be the President of the United States of America. It's too easy. The only frustration lies in how little it is reported. The man was officially elected president by a majority of Americans and that's fine. I don't like it but I accept it. I am doing everything in my humble power to prevent it from happening again in 2012 but if it does, it does. I am still going to live my life with the integrity and discipline that can only be attained by the least possible amount of governmental influence. 

Regarding the picture above and so many others we see just like it, here is what I don't get. Why are so many people fooled into believing that electing one single man, who bleeds just like they do and sits on a toilet and craps each morning just like they do, can somehow change the world or end their woes? Why do they not understand that it is they who wield the power and it is their goals, ambitions, and beliefs in themselves that garner success.  It is not one man. To even appear at a rally of this caliber in size is basically forfeiting any belief you have in yourself and selling those beliefs to one single man who you are foolish enough to believe can somehow save you.

My ideal leader is one that has America so bustling and busy that I don't even know what his name is or what his face looks like. The picture above is no solution. It serves no purpose other than to further inflate the ego of yet another politician. And, that's all that Barack Hussein Obama is; one more of many others who all seek a podium, a teleprompter, and an agenda completely unrelated to the words that are coming out of their mouths.

157.1 miles to go.

Here is what happened one year ago on Day257.

Day621 Friday 05/11/12

ran 3.5 miles 

Regardless of how you may feel about Ron Paul, I think we can all agree that the mainstream media, Washington, and whatever other powers that be are blatantly doing everything they are capable of to blot out his ideas and campaign successes from the ears and eyes of the average American. It is actually a courageous achievement Ron Paul has managed, being honest and actually doing what he says he is going to do, abiding by the Constitution the way it was intended to be, and all of this in a political arena mostly filled with useless drama and worthless pomp. 

Ron Paul is a living, breathing, walking United States Constitution. And considering how much extreme disapproval is cast on Congress as a whole and how evenly divided Barack Obama has America divided it is no wonder the above mentioned entities of power are so afraid of him and the ideas he represents. Put simply, Ron Paul would take all their toys away. But the bratty children we keep electing are going to do everything in their power to prevent that.

160.3 miles to go.

Here is what happened one year ago on Day256.

Day620 Thursday 05/10/12

ran 3.3 miles
The honorable Maxine Waters of California losing her composure for a brief moment and utterly flustered with the rare truth that is spewing out of her mouth. It's an old video from 2008 but it lacks no luster in proving what elected leaders like Waters are really thinking. 

Here is a glance at Rasmussen Reports polls today on Obama and Romney: 
  • Romney: 49%, Obama: 45%, Third party candidate: 3%, Undecided: 2% 
  • 26% of the nation's voters strongly approve of Obama's performance as president and 42% strongly disapprove, giving him a Presidential Approval Index of -16 

163.8 miles to go. 

Here is what happened one year ago on Day255.

Day619 Wednesday 05/09/12

ran 4.3 miles
Meet Federal Inmate No. 11593-051, Keith Judd. He is currently serving close to an eighteen year sentence for extortion in the state of Texas. For reasons unknown this man threw his name in the hat for the West Virginia primary yesterday and actually walked away with...I mean paced around his jail cell with 41% of the vote as a close second to President Barack Obama. 

Judd managed to win ten counties and 41% of the statewide vote. He even earned himself a delegate at the Democratic National Convention.

With a $2,500.00 filing fee and a notarized "certificate of announcement" to appear on the ballot, Keith Judd won a huge victory yesterday and handed Barack Obama what has to be one of the most humiliating insults in presidential history. 

An incarcerated criminal or Barack Obama? Forty-one percent of West Virginians teemed to their local precincts to make the simple statement that they would rather vote for a convicted criminal who is behind bars to be their president than Barack Obama and the record of his past four years.

I congratulate Mr. Judd for his impressive campaign, but I think Barack Obama deserves even more of a spotlight for a presidential term that could drive so many individuals in an entire state to despise him so much that they would vote for Federal Inmate No. 11593-051 over him.

167.1 miles to go.

Here is what happened one year ago on Day254.

Day618 Tuesday 05/08/12

ran 4.0 miles
A lot of big news today. Republican Senator Richard Lugar of Indiana, an eighty-year-old Senate veteran, lost his Senate seat of thirty-six years in the Indiana primary today. He was defeated by Indiana state Treasure Richard Mourdock, who is backed by conservative organizations and individuals from the NRA, to the Tea Party, to the Washington-based fiscal conservative group the Club for Growth. That is a big statement.

In Barack Obama's ongoing attempt to campaign on everything but his actual record, he is now fundraising with a promotion to give your very own mother a "shout out" on Mother's Day via Twitter. I get this guys emails everyday from his campaign team. They are worded in a manner that any seven-year-old can fully absorb and they serve no purpose but to raise campaign dollars through completely irrelevant, superficial means, $3.00 at a time. That appears to be his bottom line.

Here is Rick Santelli with yet another epic bombshell of reality:

And here is something about Andrew Breitbart. Remember him? He was the man who promised America videos of Barack Obama chatting with "silver ponytails" like Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn in his younger days. He died mere minutes into the day that he intended to release the videos. Shortly after 12 a.m. on March 1, 2012, he suffered what has been deemed a heart attack. His death is oozing with conspiracy theory and here are a couple more blunt, irregular objects to place under your logic leveler. First, the videos Breitbart was referring to have never even been aired. He vividly described videos with Bill Ayers in Barack Obama's college days and once his death came to pass, the videos never even surfaced. Hannity aired a redundant piece on Fox about a radical relationship Obama had in his Harvard days with a professor named Bell and that was it. Where are the videos Andrew Breitbart was so passionately describing leading up to his death? Just as Breitbart died the day he intended to release these tapes, which would "change the entire election landscape", on April 20, the same day Breitbart's autopsy was to be released, one of the L.A. County forensic technicians involved in Breitbart's autopsy, Michael Cormier, 61, died of what is suspected to be arsenic poisoning. In both cases, the deceased were "seemingly healthy, yet suddenly stricken with severe sickness". And, 26-year-old Christopher Lasseter, the only eye witness to see Andrew Breitbart drop to his untimely death, has vanished. Lasseter claimed to have seen Breitbart drop dead "like a sack of potatoes". Lasseter claimed Breitbart's skin was an unusual bright red color when he collapsed, which is a symptom not related to heart attacks.

“I asked Lassiter specifically about Breitbart’s skin color and he said it was “bright red.” That bothered me because as an Army medical corpsman I knew that most heart attack victims turned blue,” wrote Paul Huebl, adding that Breitbart had drunk little alcohol and, “Poisons like cyanide, or carbon monoxide are known for turning skin red…The reality is they cannot be detected by normal toxicology testing.” 

Private investigators have been hired to find Lasseter and nothing has turned up. Following the questionable death of Michael Cormier it seems Lasseter no longer has an address or any phone numbers and he is simply in hiding to avoid further involvement.

But I'm sure this is all just coincidence. 

171.4 miles to go. 

Here is what happened one year ago on Day253.

Day617 Monday 05/07/12

ran 3.8 miles 
Allen West is a twenty-first century pioneer exploring the forgotten terrain of what America truly is and was intended to be. There are very few others who can so simply articulate the Constitutional message he delivers and who possess the courage to stand up and do it in front of such a savage and destructive mainstream media and a nation run-a-muck with so many individuals who have forgotten what has been written in our history books, or simply don't care, regarding big government and the failure "nanny states" set the people they represent up for. 

Like children in a candy store who are told by the owner that everything they see is free and that they can take as much of it as they would like, some things are just too good to be true. The common sense alarm fails to blink for many people, though. Others who do see the folly in a trap like this call such ideas "utopian", which is another term, much like Obama's campaign slogan "forward", that has many communist undertones. 

175.4 miles to go.

Here is what happened one year ago on Day252.

Day616 Sunday 05/06/12

1,900 miles!!!

ran 2.3 miles
Today ends week eighty-eight of running against Obama. I ran 24.1 miles this week, averaging 3.44 miles per day.

Our president's new campaign slogan is "Forward". Simple, to the point, no room for confusion...and filled with Communist history. The symbolism surrounding the political term "forward" is not hard to connect the dots on. Using the term "forward", not realizing the implications of the term, is not something Barack Obama or his campaign team would have overlooked. He is being quite blatant and setting an undeniable theme for America's future.

"Forward to Communism!"
"Forward to the Victory of Communism!"
"Mao's Great Leap Forward"
"Under Lenin's Banner, Forward to Victory!"
    "Forward For Our Brothers!"


179.2 miles to go.

Here is what happened one year ago on Day251.

Day615 Saturday 05/05/12

August 5, 1964-May 4, 2012

ran 3.6 miles
As we all get older there is one thing that becomes very clear. We each only have so many opportunities to grasp, harness, and drive whatever it is we are motivated to achieve. Many pass life choices off to procrastination, laziness, or even the delusion that something or someone else will pick up the tab for our own shortcomings later on. Many are simply satisfied with doing nothing but wondering and wandering aimlessly. But, many more give up on themselves way too early, becoming frustrated with what they do not have but feel they somehow deserve, which is in direct opposition to what some others do have and actually earned.

The death of Adam Yauch is a big one for me. I turn 34 this month and I have found that as I get older my own mortality becomes thicker and thicker of a realization as my childhood heroes slowly begin to pass away. Adam Yauch, among many other giants I have always looked up to and have been influenced by since I was eight-years-old was a pioneer in an industry and style that no one else has been able to replicate or even attempt to challenge in the last twenty-six years. The Beastie Boys are the Beastie Boys. You can't compare them. What the Beastie Boys accomplished was absolutely amazing. These three individuals defined themselves, lived their definitions, and committed to their meanings.

If you are wondering why I posted about Adam Yauch and the Beastie Boys on a blog that is determined to do everything it can to make Barack Hussein Obama a one-term president, the reason is simple. No government has ever painted a "Guernica", no government has ever written an "On the Road" or "Grapes of Wrath", no government has ever composed a symphony that brings tears to your eyes or even a theory of relativity. And no government has ever defined a culture and its time as boldly as the Beastie Boys did.

Our president discourages the success that adversity and determination have strengthened our country with over the last nearly 250 years. Adam Yauch did not co-found the Beastie Boys with a government handout or food stamps. This guy simply followed his dream regardless of the outcome, realizing that it is better to try and fail than to not try at all, and he succeeded. You have to respect that...or do you? I would venture to say that 50% of the people in this country do not respect hard work or determination, the likes of which Adam Yauch possessed, and that 50% of this country is unfortunately convinced that they vicariously deserve some of his beads of sweat, gritty tears, and weary blood that he worked so hard to bleed. 

Point is, Adam Yauch (MCA) was one outstanding human being. He was talented, he worked hard for what he earned, and he by all means deserved it. He is a glowing example of how much can be achieved by simply pursuing your interests to no end and completely disregarding the news of the day and the government before you. 

181.5 miles to go. 

Here is what happened one year ago on Day250.

Day614 Friday 05/04/12

ran 4.0 miles 

Another perfect example of what we are up against in November. 

185.1 miles to go. 

Here is what happened one year ago on Day249.

Day613 Thursday 05/03/12

ran 3.2 miles 

“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.” 
Ronald Reagan

189.1 miles to go.

Here is what happened one year ago on Day248.

Day612 Wednesday 05/02/12

ran 3.5 miles
Here is the unapologetic American terrorist, Bill Ayers, best known for blowing up government buildings in the 1970s, best known for saying "I get up every morning and I'm going to end Capitalism", best known for being married to Bernadine Dohrn (his terrorist accomplice), best known for escaping imprisonment due to a technicality on the part of the FBI when gathering evidence against his crimes, and best known for launching Barack Obama's political career from the inside of his own home.

Here is a small sample of his wisdom:  
And in case you may have forgotten or had never seen this video of an FBI agent who infiltrated Bill Ayers' and Bernadine Dohrn's terrorist group in the 1970s, check out what he had to say of what actions he observed and the words he witnessed:  
All of this galavanting around our president is doing, ignoring the lack of accomplishments he has to tout, is a distraction of the past three years and a distortion of what his actual intentions are for the next four. Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, media that refuses to examine this president's past, sealed records and college transcripts, food stamp explosions, immensely unsuccessful investments in alternative energy, no to Keystone, his legacy piece of legislation (his health care act), which is currently awaiting a ruling on whether it is even constitutional or not while hundreds of millions of tax dollars have been pumped into propping the health care machine upright before it has even been deemed legal. This president has nothing in his first term worth bragging about that did not send our national debt exponentially skyrocketing through the roof. If he or his Democratic counterparts would have signed at least one single budget in his first term then perhaps we could have given him some credit for at least appearing to be fiscally responsible or looking as though he had a plan. But they did not. 

192.3 miles to go. 

Here is what happened one year ago on Day247.

Day611 Tuesday 05/01/12

ran 3.6 miles
Our president, or Campaigner in Chief, has reached some remarkable record-setting milestones on the campaign trail over the last few years. In a book by Brendan J. Doherty, "The Rise of the President's Permanent Campaign", set to be published this July, Doherty points out how determined Barack Obama is to be reelected, which consequently takes away from his appointed duties of actually serving as POTUS.  This president is exponentially more preoccupied and distracted with running for a second term than any other president in history.

From a DailyMail article written by Toby Harnden:

"Barack Obama has already held more re-election fundraising events than every elected president since Richard Nixon combined. Obama had held 104 fundraisers by March 6th this year, compared to 94 held by Presidents Carter, Ronald Reagan, George Bush Snr, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush combined. Since then, Obama has held another 20 fundraisers, bringing his total to 124. Carter held four re-election fundraisers in the 1980 campaign, Reagan zero in 1984, Bush Snr 19 in 1992, Clinton 14 in 1996 and Bush Jnr 57 in 2004."

Presidents do not behave in this desperate sort of way when they have a successful record and results to back themselves up with. Ronald Reagan did not hold one single fundraiser when he ran for reelection in 1984. His results and his success made it unnecessary to waste his time with such sideshows. It might be accurate to say that Barack Obama's indulgence in fundraising events, more than every other president since Nixon, combined, is directly proportionate to his being the worst president since Nixon.  Reagan was highly successful and did not hold one single fundraiser (he also happened to win 49 out of 50 states) in 1984. Obama has a country completely divided, a terrible record, and the only glimmer of hope he has is to distract, blame, and distort as much as the money he raises will allow him to do.

195.8 miles to go.

Here is what happened one year ago on Day246.