Finished goal of running the distance of 2,080 miles from Lafayette, LA to Washington D.C and back!!! 339.1 miles

0.0 miles run this week.
Daily running average for the week is 0.00 miles per day.
Total amount run in the past 800 days is 2,419.1 miles.
Daily running average overall is 3.02 miles per day.

Day71 Monday 11/08/10

ran 3.6 miles
This ten-day gesture of fortifying a half-built and rusted bridge of foreign relations with India and indulging in sightseeing throughout Asia, which Barack Obama is, for all my theory is worth, pursuing in order to flee from the domestic inadequacies he’s sown in his own country is a weak and transparent response to dealing with the red, white and blue hues of reality. And if any one person needs to deal with reality more than anyone else, it’s the President of the United States of America.

If he had not gone to India, which took much pre-planning and strategy to time it at such a moment conducive to weaseling out of facing the result of the Midterm elections, 2010, which he and his cabinet obviously foresaw as an inevitability, what would be happening right now? The majority of American’s who do not see things his way and the candidates we put into office would be scrutinizing his past motives and questioning his future plans with a velocity that will be unmatched by the time he gets back. It’s easy to say, “That’s politics. It was a good political move to protect himself.” Where I am from, if you do something that unleashes disdain on a large number of people and then run away from it instead of at least apologizing and assuring those you hurt that you would do everything in your power to make things right, we call that cowardice. That is why we are not politicians and it is why the term “Politics” is not an extenuating circumstance for misbehavior that is automatically excusable.

Voters spoke on Tuesday and it was a direct repudiation of Barack Obama’s ideas and actions over the past two years. Instead of allowing the American public to receive a real response of what we have been waiting so long to vote for, our President goes abroad. The majority of articles we've seen since the election are pictures and descriptions of Michelle looking “Fabulous” and Barack appearing to be diplomatic for far lesser reasons than what awaits him when he reaches American air space again.

This is a noteworthy article that points out some critical arguments concerning the frivolity of President Obama’s trip to India. As a closing question, do you think this trip, which is costing taxpayers $200 million a day, is critical? Is it a shield to weaken the blow American voters had thrashed upon him? Or is it possible, by mere coincidence in scheduling, that Barack Obama decided he was doing so good with domestic affairs that he would spend two billion tax dollars in carrying over his economic success in America to enrich relations with India and other foreign affairs?

1,890.8 miles to go.

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