Finished goal of running the distance of 2,080 miles from Lafayette, LA to Washington D.C and back!!! 339.1 miles

0.0 miles run this week.
Daily running average for the week is 0.00 miles per day.
Total amount run in the past 800 days is 2,419.1 miles.
Daily running average overall is 3.02 miles per day.

Day95 Thursday 12/02/10

ran 0.0 miles
  • Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Approval poll indicates that 22% of the nation’s voters strongly approve of Barack Obama’s performance and 39% strongly disapprove, equaling an Approval Index rating of –17 compared to –14 on this day last week.
  • Overall, 44% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of Barack Obama’s performance as president and 54% disapprove.
  • In November, 36% of American voters identified themselves as Republicans, 34.7% considered themselves Democrats, and 29.3% were not affiliated with either party. This is the largest number of conservative voters since February 2005. Only two years ago, Republicans stood at a meager 33.8% and Democrats towered above them at 41.4%.
Following the endless news of each day is both taxing on time and nearly not worth it. It is usually not my interest to allow something so trivial as the posturing and flexing of politicians and the lofty clouds their heads float upon to steal my time away, but Barack Obama is sort of a big deal. And I don’t mean that in a good way. Politics, as a whole, if you view it in broad strides and not under a day-to-day microscope, are a predictable loop of push and pull that most often end in a somewhat functional manner of governing; Americans get to be Americans and politicians get to be politicians. But every once in a while, Jimmy Carter was the last one, someone comes along after one of the two primary parties have been in power for too long, and they are granted the opportunity, through voter discontentment due to politicians getting carried away with the inestimable powers they have, to get away with doing something drastic. The stars aligned for Barack Obama in 2008. Bush averted his eyes to critical matters that have contributed much to our current economic state, leaving Obama with a lot of maneuverability to push any agenda he chose. Obama came, he saw, he shined, he was elected, and now he is becoming the product of what American history repeats cyclically. I firmly believe Barack Obama’s greatest purpose in American history will be to squeeze a hero, like a diamond out of a lump of coal, into the 2012 presidency; a candidate who will be every bit as significant and heralded as Ronald Reagan after Jimmy Carter.

1,832.3 miles to go.

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