Finished goal of running the distance of 2,080 miles from Lafayette, LA to Washington D.C and back!!! 339.1 miles

0.0 miles run this week.
Daily running average for the week is 0.00 miles per day.
Total amount run in the past 800 days is 2,419.1 miles.
Daily running average overall is 3.02 miles per day.

Day296 Tuesday 06/21/11

ran 4.3 miles
“When historians examine all these statistics in the future, they will surely ask why the Caucasian population extinguished itself: How did a race that created the finest republic in the history of the world eventually find itself in the minority of that very republic?”

Sometimes swallowing a truth can be much like swallowing an abrasive and oddly shaped stone. Although there is actually nothing in your throat sometimes you hear an unexpected fact and instinctively gulp it down as though a porous lava rock were in your mouth.

In an article by Grace Vuoto, “Bye bye white (and black) America: Make way for Latinos, Asians”, Vuoto puts into perspective exactly where population numbers are heading in America and she offers some theories to explain the long path that has led to our very near future.

The first sentence in the article states that the white American population is “moribund”. This term means “nearly dead”, “having lost all sense of purpose or vitality”, or “becoming obsolete”. Figures from the 2010 census back this term up.

By 2041 minorities will be the new majority. One out of every six Americans is currently Latino and the Asian population has increased 43%(!) since 2000, going from 10.2 million in 2000 to 14.7 million in 2010.

By 2015 there will be more minorities under the age of 18 than whites.

This means that the future of America is now indisputably in the hands of non-whites.

As an aside, I mean no negative sentiments to any ethnicity living in America, whether legally or illegally, but this is a factual projection for the near future of America, which will be a real game-changer in the history of America. If you are from Mexico and I suddenly informed you that Caucasians would be the overwhelming majority in your country in the very near future, or if you are from Vietnam and I suddenly informed you that whites would be ruling your country soon---you would have to admit that you would be at least somewhat surprised and concerned. My interpretation of these Census facts is irrelevant. I am just stating the irreversible direction America is heading in.

Blacks also, America’s previous largest minority, have already been surpassed by Latinos. Latinos have been the largest minority since 2003. In more than half of America’s largest cities, Latinos outnumber blacks.


“When historians examine all these statistics in the future, they will surely ask why the Caucasian population extinguished itself: How did a race that created the finest republic in the history of the world eventually find itself in the minority of that very republic?”

Read the whole article here for more explanation and the staggering numbers that prove it. And as you do, take a look around and look at the things that are going on in Washington. Ask yourself why, when so little makes sense in this country, things are the way they are. It’s not an innocent game to see how effectively our nation’s leaders can confuse and frustrate so many American’s for reasons we cannot understand. Everything is deliberate and has an important reason regardless of how ridiculous particular actions and decisions our government makes may seem. Perhaps they are planning for the future without stating what exactly that future is.

1,206.4 miles to go.


  1. Wow, those are some amazing numbers indeed. I find them scary, not for any prejudiced reasons, but for the fact that America will not be populated by Americans for much longer.

  2. Interesting post.. it is surely something to think about -

