Finished goal of running the distance of 2,080 miles from Lafayette, LA to Washington D.C and back!!! 339.1 miles

0.0 miles run this week.
Daily running average for the week is 0.00 miles per day.
Total amount run in the past 800 days is 2,419.1 miles.
Daily running average overall is 3.02 miles per day.

Day420 Sunday 10/23/11

ran 3.1 miles
Today ends week sixty of running against Obama. I ran 28.4 miles this week, averaging 4.06 miles per day.

It appears that Occupy Wall Street is showing early signs of internal frustration and implosion. From, here are some facts and quotes from Ginger Adams Otis’ article “They want $lice of the occu-pie”.

Occupy Wall Street’s Finance Committee (ironic, right?) has around $500,000 in donations in a bank (ironic, right?) and, as donations continue to grow, different factions of protestors are losing their patience with the Finance Committee’s inability to properly redistribute the donations to meet the needs of every protestor.

One small example, a few protestors with drums were angry after fellow protestors vandalized their drums on Wednesday night. The drummers requested $8,000 for new drums and the construction of a small building to lock their drums in at night. They were turned down by the Finance Committee. These individuals are now threatening to protest elsewhere.

“F--k Finance. I hope Mayor Bloomberg gets an injunction and demands to see the movement’s books. We need to know how much money we really have and where it’s going.” This from Bryan Smith, a Californian who joined OWS three weeks ago. Is he looking for fiscal responsibility and effectiveness? I think I heard hints of a desire for him and his faction of protestors to receive what they worked so hard to earn, rather than work hard for no reason because those who put in so little claim so much. That sounds American, and dare I say conservative?

“The other day, I took in $2,000. I kept $650 for my group, and gave the rest to Finance. Then I went to them with a request -- so many people need things, and they should not be going without basic comfort items -- and I was told to fill out paperwork. Paperwork! Are they the government now?”

Smith went on to explain that the Finance Committee hordes the dollars raised by all occupiers, but doesn’t give it back (that sounds familiar). Bryan Smith’s Comfort group receives an allowance of $150 per day as bigger groups, such as the Kitchen group, get nearly $2,000 each day.

“What can I do with $150?” said Smith. “We have three tons of wet laundry here from the rainstorm -- how do I get that done? We need winter gear, shoes, socks. I could spend $10,000 alone for backpacks people need. We raise all this money. Where is it?”

821.6 miles to go.

Here is what happened one year ago on Day55.

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